Comment history

DMoe says...

When American (Envoy) and US Air merged, both had to bid on who gets to keep the ground handling jobs. US Air won the bid so Envoy had no choice but to let their crew go. If Envoy had won the bid, it would be US Air's crew in this position right now,
Granted, bringing them back at $2.00 an hour less is a PRICK move.

DMoe says...

And the winner is......... Blue water. S.T.

On Bidders for mobile licence revealed

Posted 13 February 2015, 7:42 a.m. Suggest removal

DMoe says...

How much will his severance pay be?

On McWeeney tightlipped after PM reports move

Posted 7 January 2015, 6:05 p.m. Suggest removal

DMoe says...

In the mean time, those of us saps who have been paying our loans faithfully for the past ten years are looked at as complete idiots with not even an appreciative thank you from these JA's. Only in Bahamaland!!!

On BoB: 'Measure us' from 2015's start

Posted 3 January 2015, 9:17 a.m. Suggest removal

DMoe says...

I think that at the heart of Mr. Aly's frustration is the fact that the landlord collected the rent on Sunday and bulldozed the shantys on Monday. And yeah that would suck!

DMoe says...

True, but there is still the Hawksbill Creek Agreement and that is very real!

On Gov't VAT error slammed as 'downright ignorance'

Posted 13 September 2014, 4:22 p.m. Suggest removal

DMoe says...

Can you imagine how much better this country would be if we would be if we put all of this energy towards the bad governance that we have saddled with over these many long years. SMH.

DMoe says...

Maybe BEC sent him a demand letter!

DMoe says...

If a company does not want you to work for them, they have the right to terminate you and pay you what is owed to you. As an employee, you do not own or have any shares in the company and the union is there to ensure that you are treated fairly and have good working conditions. If you chose to act the fool and demand of the company rights that you are not entitled to and the company fires your behind, as long as you get your pay then its goodbye and thanks for the memories.

On Ten pilots lose jobs in Sky Bahamas overhaul

Posted 21 October 2013, 8:20 p.m. Suggest removal