Comment history

DMoe says...

If I remember correctly, the Stadium was a gift to the Christie government who during their time in office were unable to get things started. Building the stadium started under the Ingraham government. (Thank goodness, or it may not have ever got built.)

On Is the Bahamas slipping backward?

Posted 1 June 2013, 5:09 p.m. Suggest removal

DMoe says...

Capital punishment is NOT a deterrent to crime. All you are doing is ridding society of one murderer as those who kill will kill no matter what. Capital punishment will then make the state just as barbaric as the criminal. Unfortunately, we may have reached the point of no return as we have let this situation fester for too long. So where do we go from here? The government should use that $465 mil to build a brand new prison to put a stop to the despicable and inhumane conditions that now exist in Fox Hill prison. The children of today are the only hope for a better society provided that parents teach them manners and respect at home and teachers do the same at an early age so that they can change the culture that is today destroying the Bahamas. This is a start but there is so much more that needs to be done and we ALL need to take responsibility and do our part. Calling for capital punishment is nothing but a cop out, looking for an easy answer to a very complex problem.

DMoe says...

Tal, that's the best thought you never said!

On Bahamians want answers to NIB confusion

Posted 5 December 2012, 2:32 p.m. Suggest removal

DMoe says...

All your fault Branville, all your fault!

DMoe says...

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

On 'Concern' over drag queens

Posted 30 November 2012, 2:46 p.m.

DMoe says...

Lets face it, Oswald Brown is just a miserable old man who is still very PO'd that Ingraham never made him an ambassador to Washington. Who actually has the time to read his diatribes, The hate in all his letters ruins your day and I thank the Tribune for sparing it's readers from all his crap.

DMoe says...

1. Where else would the money go if not the public purse?
2. As to the above, the government would now have to create its own lottery system where the Bahamas cash three and play four numbers are drawn once or twice a day seeing that mia, chi, ny, cali and tri state would all be illegal to use. Now you can only buy Bahamas numbers. Dear Bahamas Government, you are setting yourselves up for one BIG headache if the vote is yes. Somebody needs to think this thing through.