Comment history

DWW says...

They did not provide any details on how to buy or where and how to submit an offer. cart before horse?

DWW says...

and this will surely solve the gang smuggling illegal black market drugs murders daily, of course, why didn't I think of this. Sure Putin is a bad boy because he watched demon japanese animation. good chuckles for Monday morning, thank you.

DWW says...

so which government member do I contact to buy one of these properties after the so called "Auction"? :)
On a serious note I suspect many of these properties changed hands and the Property tax office lost the declaration and there is no tax to be collected because the new owner has been paying the tax of years or decades on the new bill.

DWW says...

Yes bahamians have major domestic issues and need to improve emotional intelligence. this is clear and forefront and the mothers and grandmothers are the only ones who can effect change in this regard. The only other real solution is to eliminate the black market entirely. Lets make drugs and guns so legal and easy to purchase that the smuggling and black market money dries up to nothing.

DWW says...

with no bid BPL contracts why not? should be solid until about September 2026 aye?

DWW says...

about sums it up. not much else to see here.

DWW says...

protectionist tariff is so 1970's. Be consumer facing and be agile and innovative. Asking the govt to prop up your business model is fine but just be aware that it happen at the expense of the consumer with higher costs. It is perhaps a selfish position that is not truly in the best interest of the people. If I can buy local and not risk damage in shipping and have to buy twice I will always buy local. If you can't manufacture competitively without govt artificially propping you up then your business model sucks dude. with a proper use of VAT pass through you should (imo) be able to be competitive with international suppliers with the right product and service.

DWW says...

whenever I hear the words "Senior Public Servant" in this country I cringe and assume the worst.

DWW says...

Is now a good time to revisit Davis client nygard and Bobo and toady? A fox can put on a sheep costume. When we have a fox in the hen house there is only one outcome. The people out these joker in power and are warning their just rewards. On another note if we remove the economic motivation for gangs running black. Market drugs then you remove the the crime problem overnight but no one has the cahones to do it.

On Halkitis: Govt working to combat crime

Posted 14 February 2024, 11:56 a.m. Suggest removal

DWW says...

I say let em buy the land and pay for it. Does $10,000 per 1/2 acre parcel of crown land bush in the middle of nowhere without any utilities or services or paved roads sound fair?