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DiverBelow says...

Any 3rd party should be available for placing a protest vote. Or place the vote as "undecided". Dawes is most correct, whatever the tally, it represents De Masses.

On ‘Campaign finance law not a priority’

Posted 13 September 2024, 11:02 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

So Birdie, how many million$$ have come in from the cruise ship crowds?
They come equipped for their multiple 7-day cruise, with their own groceries, liquor & fuel, bought in bulk at cheapest prices negotiably possible.
At the best, the cruising yachtsman can only carry a weekend or weeks worth beforre needing to replenish their supply, at whatever prices he may be able to find. No volume discount.
As a member of the yacht cruisng crowd since 11 years old, I have made life long friends, valued the varied island and marine life beyond that of any cruise ship tourist will from his Buffet dinner-line or drunken stuppor at sunset. I cringe everytime I hear " I know The Bahamas, was there on a cruise ship, in Nassau, for a whole day!..." "No, never got off the ship, ...wife did some shopping ashore..."
When was the last time you traveled 100 miles to enjoy any Out-Island culture? On your own dime?

DiverBelow says...

It certainly would be a short campaign.
USA, got around this rule by making corporations equals to taxpayers... via Citizens United, totally screwing up their politics.

On Mitchell downplays campaign finance laws

Posted 1 September 2024, 5:47 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

How about holding back the "Family & Associated Partners" yearly proceeds until there has been completed repairs to infrastructures which fall under their HCA responsibilities?
A worthy investment in the future, they will succeed when Freeport's economy succeeds.
Can't pick & choose.

DiverBelow says...

Another distraction committee to justify our salary & time wasting. Why not just copy, adjust & implementation of what other countries have initiated? Sovereignty does not require reinventing the wheel every time.
Can be said about the transparency of government bills & more. Improving democracy & economy for all.

DiverBelow says...

"Laaws are for You, not Me."
"No need, we ignore & govt wont enforce.
The Politically Elite Mandate.

On Pintard: GBPA fund claim is nonsense

Posted 28 August 2024, 1:14 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Simply amazing! Government expects business to comply with responsible requirements, YET they are UNABLE to meet theirs?
I'm referencing to, at minimum, the financial disclosures for Parliamentarians; to simply the payments of Power & Water invoices by govt agencies & groups; particularly to the payments of payrolls & debts due.
they expect business to comply, yet they do not!!
Let's at least, see the Transparency Legislation in effect instead of a pipe dream.
Business & Govt's are Equal Partners in an Economy.
Parasitic, one sided, Take-All-You-Can While-You-Can, is an Economy Killer.

On Majority of businesses seek audit extensions

Posted 24 August 2024, 10:20 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

By the fact that Government is willing to sacrifice a known important, valuable wellfield and pursue involvement with China Export-Import Bank; these are indicators of the financial deficit they find themselves in.
The wellfield is in their portfolio thus no need to buy property & few would provide such low low rates, even with knowing the true cost & long term commitments demanded by this group's arrangement. Many Caribbean Governments have refused such terms after their own strong-arm experiences. Buyer beware!!
New Providence is an overpopulated island with little natural spaces left, protect what you have!

On Fears over impact of $290m hospital

Posted 22 August 2024, 10:23 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Keep in mind, it is the adults in the picture, that determine the possibilities of the children.
We expect teachers to educate when not given the resources: skills,monetary & tools. We are expected to mold the natural curiosity of children while spending most of our time/energies on administrative exercises imposed by those who do not teach!
Administrators, administrate, i.e.: find the resources & time for teachers to teach!!.
parents, be Your children's parent & mentor, not their friend & 'mates. Quit sending your kids to school for baby-sitting purposes while you work or play. Minimize the screen-time baby-sitting, advance required physical education & sports. Children's bodies & minds are in constant growth, requiring perpetual flexing and use.
If resources are not available in our educational institutions, we will pay more while they stagnate in our alternative institutions...such as jail.
It's proven, Education is cheaper in the long run!!

DiverBelow says...

This is an example of "Da dumbing of Da Populus" for dictatorial purposes... the concept of "the dumb are easier to control via lies & deception."
The truth is, the time & treasure governments do not spend on their education responsibility, the private industry must spend again to minimaly educate for their pertinent industry. Resulting in a Minimally Functioning Economy at twice the cost!.
don't like the results... demand change. It's your responsibility & $$$.