Comment history

DiverBelow says...

"inadequate equipment..." is another word for inadequate funds or trying to do it cheap!!
In salvage, equipment equals money spent.
Where are the insurance people? They should be held accountable to the tune of $10,000 per day. Oh, no insurance? No operator's license? ... JAIL for the Owners!
Where are the governing bodies who collect fees, do no monitoring, have no plan of action & no authority... the government has no cojones to enforce anything beyond mouth diarearaah, while bullying the man on the street.
These islands suffer from TOO Much... clean blue water, fish & coral, mangroves etc.
"There's more oveerder, no real loss."

DiverBelow says...

What is GBPC doing to encourage improvement on the economy?
How about pushing Government to start reconstructing the airport? Invest in Industry & alternative energy projects & storage, beyond PR?
Emera is critically low on capital, just sold a natural-gas company in New Mexico for $ 1.2 billion, yes Billions. Yet they are willing to increase cost on clients in a hurting economy!!
Corporate Disconnect, yes an electrical pun.

DiverBelow says...

The truth is that Megayachts provide little to a local economy, compared to cruising family smaller vessels. They carry high capacity of fuel, groceries and desal plants for water. When groceries and special supplies are needed they are flown in. An occasional jaunt on land to a local restaurant or bar, has little input. The crew will provide more while the yacht is on stand by. Ever watch "Below Deck" TV show? Ignore the drama, that's scripted...
Not worth the deep water dredging & damage required for such large vessel. Exumas have much sandy bottoms in constant motion, channels & marinas need continuous dredging. After damaging a couple of pairs of $10,000 propellers, they opt for deeper Caribbean waters.
Like Cruise Ship's figures, the optics are hollow & false.

On Concerns voiced over Exuma marina switch

Posted 8 August 2024, 8:07 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Hey plp fnm Politically Elite, use some of that philanthropic contributions you received from Mr. Nygard for testing the conch stored & sold to Common Bahamians at Potters Cay. Simple hydrocarbon test would suffice...

DiverBelow says...

This reminds me of a poster my mother placed on my bedroom wall... "Teenagers, clean up your room first, then the World."
This applies to all those santimonious leaders of all religions, in all countries. i.e.: Practice What You Preach, not only when convenient!

DiverBelow says...

Optics? You are concerned about Optics? Your team should be interested in seeing how the bigger boys resolve issues!! Guess who will be around to maintain & manage the updated infrastructure? You had better be ready! Otherwise it will go back to Shite in no time...
3rd World Mentality where Optics outweigh Opportunities.

DiverBelow says...

How do you expect respect for laws, agencies & environment from the public, when Govt/Politically Elite DO NOT.
Now you will see the reality & shuffle!

DiverBelow says...

no respect for anything, except the dollar!!

DiverBelow says...

Ignoring the confusing double-talk. Stopover for 6+ days @$500/day/person equals $3,000. Cruise ship for 3 days @$77/day/person equals $231 or in 6days $462. Which one do you want to work for in your next 6 days?
The majority of cruise tourist may stay onboard, true?.This 15% of stopover spending!! They do not require hotel or transport infrastructure, food & service support industry. Just a wharf, water to dump sewage, possibly some fuel/electricity/supplies (if not available cheaper elsewhere). minimal Investments taking up space on our islands. Lets not forget they need a place to unload their garbage. What a great industry!! The numbers do not lie.

On Stopover tourist spend rises 25%

Posted 11 July 2024, 9:29 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

What is the differentiation of Loterry Gambling against Casino Gambling? Beyond the investment of glitz & expensive property? Society has legitimitized the practice, by assuming a portion of the income will be dedicated to social needs like education or medical. What is the actual percentage? Who decides? Remember, House Always Wins.
The question I have is why are we adding to the convenience of augmenting a commonly negative social issue? Open Sports Betting is a convenient vehicle to attract youthful parties to gambling. Freedom, requires responsibility! Do we have enough of each?...