Comment history

DiverBelow says...

Ther are many deteriorating skeletons starts at home ownership in the bushes of most islands.
Hoping each have a chance at their dream completion. Once the above have been addressed.

DiverBelow says...

Owning a lot, without the capacity to pay RealPropTax; opportunity to finance a viable loan; acceptance of proud effective simple design; affordability of construction; quality of construction; living wage for furnishings, water, power & maintenance?
It's a start, with certain failure unless these are improved upon.

DiverBelow says...

Right, Honorable?

On 85% of guns were bought in the US

Posted 19 November 2024, 9:24 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Not yet, do have their Dad's & Uncles being cut down in their early prime years. Children do not forget pain & disruptions of life. All guns have serial numbers, except plastics, a source for tracing if government or lawyers were serious in suits. Funds spending dictates the seriousness of effort, be it import controls, patrolling or judicial...$ per 100,000.

On 85% of guns were bought in the US

Posted 19 November 2024, 9:23 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

You were not around during the era of Miami Cocaine Cowboy days & the overflow to/from Bahamas.

On 85% of guns were bought in the US

Posted 19 November 2024, 9:06 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Irrelevant of the location, be careful to not make prisons too comfortable or a labor /industry source, as examples in US.
Best discouragement for crime is not a death penalty, although a yearly hanging is a fair deterrent. The squalor & horrible demeaning conditions, similar to middle ages prisons are quite effective (without their judicial methods).
Nassau is presently becoming a reverse prison, with the ease of bonds & paroles. The people are the ones behind bars at their homes & jobs, criminals are on the streets.
A common situation in many 3rd world countries. Window bars & private security presences are obvious indicators.

DiverBelow says...

Who claims we are Not A 3rd World Country? Accepting Pay to Play as normal is a certain trait. It is fraud & robbery without a weapon. Guaranteed stagnation.

On Nearly 75% of Bahamian businesses pay bribes

Posted 14 November 2024, 9:20 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Ridiculously low minimum wage in a high cost 'import based' economy is dangerously segregating. Unsurprisingly, leading to poor performance & attitude.
Which comes first? Chicken or Egg.

DiverBelow says...

Centralized high employment based government placed on one small island space; which also is a high end tourist locale with associated service demand; leads to serious population logistical issues as housing, transport, food, water, sewage, even crime.
This is why Brazil moved their seat of government to a newly created city in the 1970s, Brazilia, was born in a previously unpopulated area.
Andros anyone? Grand Bahama? Or ...population controls?

DiverBelow says...

Demand Politicos live up to their words & actions... see something, say something. Newspapers are there for a reason, beyond a convenient voice box. Democracy is not easy.

On 'Bring integrity commission now'

Posted 6 November 2024, 9:57 a.m. Suggest removal