Comment history

DiverBelow says...

The oil industry is the original gambler. Expensive exploration cost & analysis, determining the value of potential very high returns. The Truth Is, there is hydrocarbons below Every Square Foot of our Earth, compliments of past plants & animals over millions of years. The determining factor is How Easy to Gain A1ccess & Available Volumes!
Let's protect our resourceful Air, Salt & Fresh waters from this most destructive of industries, as experienced all over the world. Let the illgotten License Expire & place a Permanent Moratorium as law.

DiverBelow says...

"We ThirdWorld Pirates, it's Mine!!

DiverBelow says...

The first step is a real "In the Sunshine" information law. We must get rid of the 'I'm in Government, 'I'm more important than you' an erroneous attitude for Public Servants!!. Must be the modern day pirate mindset

On ‘Failure to probe corruption claim’

Posted 26 June 2024, 8:24 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

As the July 10 Independence Celebration comes upon us, we must step away from the noise & artificial party back-slaping to ask a simple question: are you proud of what we have achived this year? ...the last 50?
This author is correct here. It is time for personal reflection on what you are Willing To Accept, from our environment, from government, from clergy, from businesses, from employees, from family, from yourself.
Real Pride comes from Respect

On Our national pride on the decline

Posted 23 June 2024, 9:45 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

For the benefit of those who dream of receiving "riches for doing little" let 's have a National Lottery. Humans need dreams. The freely given contributions should be dedicated to the needs of the pathetic health & education system. Though a lottery is parasitic pyramid game on society, if operated correctly IT Could Provide What The Next Generations Need. Keep the Politically Elite out of it. Convicts don't 8change their stripes. ...How many Millions in the next FL Lottery Win?

DiverBelow says...

Let's hear the fishermans side of the story, before quick bad-mouthing.
Piracy is a real threat for cruising yachtsmen & they must be cautious.
A stranded boater requires human compation & caution as potential Bait for Piracy.

DiverBelow says...

All this talk is Well & Good, remembering that we have been here many times before. So dont expect too much enthusiasm. What good would an increase in airlifts be if there is no airport to handle the visitors? A Chicken or Egg situation, which comes first? PS: If you Build they will come...

DiverBelow says...

Which "white cloud of dust powder" sources are you refering to? '80-90's specialty or 2000's lottery cash? Govt is not so innocent either.

On ‘Give us answers on Freeport plan’

Posted 14 May 2024, 7:46 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

The Politically Elite will jet-off to Miami when sick. They will never see the inside of any local community govt-run hospital. They don't care.

On China to fund new hospital

Posted 14 May 2024, 7:32 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Are there any difference in either feuding party? Both are broke, demanding blood from anemic economies. Both have parasited from the people while not educating the next work force, your children. Both have padded their own nest before strengthening the community against the trials of economic and environmental challenges. GBPA/Hutchison/Government have done little more than 'accounting shuffling' of responsibilities & assets, like the street side, corner 'shell-game'. " Where are the shares? er, the Pea?
Sorry Doctors, the patient has no more reserves to take, how about sharing your fat protein & vitamins stash! How about doing your Jobs first? Then WE can choose who is better!
Soilent Green Reality?