Comment history

DiverBelow says...

When one repeats the same errors repeatedly, is it a lost chance at education?, or acknowledging desperation?, or lack of viable options due to years of mismanagement?
Either way it's costing the Bahamian People while some do well.

On China to fund new hospital

Posted 13 May 2024, 10:16 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

One has to wonder Why these two parties do not want the facts to be In The Open? 3rd World Democracy of Convenience at work! do not accept this crap.

DiverBelow says...

Yes an important step forward. Power. Can we live off lettuce & strawberries? Light on water. 24hr Power dependent in an erratic-power world.

DiverBelow says...

Junk sensational journalism in action. The Martians cometh... Do Not Accept mediocre journalism. no!!

DiverBelow says...

When it comes to responsibilities in the care of animals, we fall very short. Look at the stray dog issues, catering to capital & luxury every time. Mr. Gomez can afford to loan a generator & freezer, while he gains from the distraction of legal practice... less than a days worth.
Who was the assigned authority? Why have they been allowed to slack off? PoliticalElite shorting the people & other mamalia.

On ‘Save dolphins after eight die’

Posted 8 May 2024, 10:06 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Didn't the Chinese put in the final effort to complete? Wonder what returns they are/will demand for that which govt could not complete? Perpetual a loan shark.

DiverBelow says...

What is Government providing as an incentive? Reduced VAT would be a start. Their failure in educating the generations should NOT be paid by private sector without incentives to share the load! This government only knows how to collect without investing... typical political elite expecting others to do their job. get rid of em all!!

DiverBelow says...

Wonder what those shares are worth today? Obviously a fair value, as the Families are not willing to give these up. ;) Where or where could they ever be...

On Where did govt shares in GBPA go?

Posted 21 April 2024, 10:58 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Tired of being embarrassed? Don't just complain of bad service, citizen Bahamas. Demand better service or Don't Come Back until the Attitude Improves. True, Choice is a luxury for Visiting Tourist, not so much a choice for Citizens... more reason to Demand Improvement.

On Rudeness by agent for Bahamasair trip

Posted 21 April 2024, 10:53 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Sounds like a micro-vatican asperations. Quick to ask much from those who can not afford, all in the name of goodness & salvation in an afterlife. While hoarding their comfort & food in this life. Practice what I preach, not what I do!. Rememeber more wars & battles have been waged in the name of religion & religious fevor. Watch your leaders & councils carefully.