Comment history

DiverBelow says...

A Pirate Mindset will not discern between corruption & capitalism, or the required morality.

DiverBelow says...

And We wonder Why potential investors recognize the Pirate Mentality of the Politically Elite? !& conveniently stagnant justice system. "Good'Old Boys" Club.

DiverBelow says...

There should be an agreement for training interested Bahamians, if & when found, via direct on the job apprentice activy or technical school support. Understandably, when on a tight schedule, who needs to slow down with a blundering apprentice with F-Grade skills? At least insist on the apprentice passing a set skill level in the appropriate trade. Bahamian, Haitian, or Whomever... Who is not an imigrant? No Lucayans around here to demand priveledge!
What about the Great Bahamian Brain Drain of Government Financed University educated who stay abroad! Are they reimbursing the people for capital spent? Another drying teat.

DiverBelow says...


DiverBelow says...

Cabbage palms, the short stature palms commonly found in the Florida & Bahamas Coptic Pine forest, rely on bush fires for propagation. this yearly dry-season event should be common knowledge even in our D Level education, as well as do not burn brush on, a breezy day!
So whyl don't we prepare? Ignorance is No Excuse. Preparing a plan & having equipment ready for these events is a requirement, not much different than for structure fires. Communities should Demand Govt Provide & Govt should Demand Communities Maintain & Train.
Stop waiting for others to do for you; lazy children guaranteed disappointment.

DiverBelow says...

Pirate's World never closes in Bahamialand & Wallstreet.

DiverBelow says...

Hey got to pay for those international travels with friends, family & entourage. How many days working on Bahama ground vs traveling? What is the Return On Investment for each Parliamentarian & Govt. Managers.? Should be a rating! Hell, can't even get a Financial Statement to determine net worth now & much for Transparency.

DiverBelow says...

Congratulations to the adolescents running Government, you are having a hard time running Nassau & you want further burdens? Your desperation for funds is most evident by the resent increase in taxes, fees, ect. & now a demand on the Port Authority; "grabing at straws" efforts to counter your extreme mismanagement of Debt, Crime, Graft.This in a country of only 350k people!, a small city population for most of the world.
Wake up Bahamians! The political elite are like teenagers with Your Credit Cards, maxing them out, finding additional loaners (there will always be additional loaners), while they party/travel the world with friends (& families). Conveniently lacking investments in improving Educating, Hospitals, general Infrastructure. Certainly not improving Efficiency of Government, in fact more like adding Obstacles... i.e.: dumbing of the populous, feed them the weekly Lottery Dream, the Future Home Ownership Dream, without a Viable Economy for the Man on the Street.
Here Chasing Investors Away, unless they pay or play. Tomorrow they will be Begging at Haiti levels, a Common Stagnated 3rd World Strategy.

DiverBelow says...

A sure sign of desperation to investors. It will be most interesting to see Govt negotiations as this drags out... like Trump they have little money of their own.

On GBPA told to pay $300m in 30 days

Posted 4 April 2024, 11:57 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Political Elite have become a club of two self promoting blind parties, who duplicate the same script & repeating the same actions to keep themselves in control at the cost to all Bahamians.
The real cost is in the dumbing of Our Youth, acceptance of White Collar Crime, FEAR of Street Crime, disfunction of Justice. Remember most of Political Elite are involved in legal or banking professionals (legitimate or otherwise). With this political structure, it's no wonder we attract the worlds questionable for a 3rd World mindset.
British gave us good education and bloated oversized government employed. Take the good, eliminate the bad, not the reverse.

On We should be better than this

Posted 29 March 2024, 11:06 a.m. Suggest removal