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DiverBelow says...

Time to determine "Enough is Enough & Demand Better". All this talk & complaining with no action towards solution is just Hot Air. While the world has Enough Hot Air, it lacks a plan for improvement. My father used to start the breakfast with a question "What are You doing today for the Good of Humanity?" Condense that to ... The Bahamas. demand improvement In everything, be it Service (be vocal, if not present solicit another location), be it Leadership (remind them their job is not secure without performance), be it Enforcement (ineffective without your cooperation).
demand better. our population is small, therefore your persistence has more impact!!!

On We should be better than this

Posted 29 March 2024, 10:07 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

And we consider ourselves as Good Christian society? Wasn't there an issue with 'corrupt money changers'. Banana Republic or Pirate mindset continues from the top of government, to government agencies, to social leaders & to ultimately the street.
Wonders why everything is so expensive!!

DiverBelow says...

They can teach us how to cut, polish & smuggle (more). Most people can't tell the difference between raw diamonds & a handfull of quartz pebbles. No developing skill for the mass unemployed here.

DiverBelow says...

What about the other craft? Size, speed? Minimal reporting for minimal tourism impact?

On American woman dead in Exuma boat accident

Posted 26 March 2024, 10:19 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Funds should be dedicated to a storm-proof airport in High Rock (key word HIGH). Govt already possess the old USAirForce base with more than adequate space for international quality passenger & freight airport. Beautiful beaches for hotels. Existing highway for freight & commuter busses. Future shuttle rail would allow local & GB expansion beyond Freeport/PA. There is even room for agriculture, ask the DEA. ;)

DiverBelow says...

Want to lower utility cost? Increase competitive environment in the utilities industry.
Government should Own the Grid, Regulate & Monitor Generation, lease not operate.
Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) not Public Private Purchases (PPAP) which create monopolies.Add Strong Performance Clauses with Penalties to each contracted PPA. Low or costly output, maintenance of equipment & grid...goodbye.
A weak PUC with no authority to monitor & regulate is political window dressing for public relations.

DiverBelow says...

The expectation of something for nothing is today's mantra. Low Performance and acceptance of Low Effort for received Benefit is the differentiation of societies, cultures and generations.
I.e.: You get what you accept!! accepting d grade graduates, will reflect in lazy, entitled workers enabled by Parents & Politicians. accepting mediocre service, will reflect in unprofessional attitude & corruption. Low Wages in a High Cost environment confirms the banana republic society, with no bananas.
so don't accept, demand better from all.

DiverBelow says...

Oh God! We have created a Bahamas Trump. With all the travel with entourage, we thinks we emperor.

DiverBelow says...

Why is this "the Prime Minister Davis first official visit to Grand Bahama since being elected..."?
With the major issues facing it's 50k people?
Would he give up on 1/4 of Nassau? Or has he?
Recommend, Less International Travel with entourage, more Travel In-Country with eyes open.

On PM announces initiative to help homeless in GB

Posted 25 February 2024, 9:43 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Is this the New Math? Looks more like a Shell Game to me. Shifting the criminal amounts among categories & subcategories is still fraud, particularly in a country so sea bound.
I suppose there are nobody who can read the values of new or used boats on the Internet
Once again, Reinventing The Wheel! ...How are others managing?