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DiverBelow says...

Guess that amount May cover the Travel Cost of this administration & it's entourage.
They expect the man on the street to comply, while the political elite don't!! Amazing! The French & Russian Revolutions started this way... Keep it up. Enough is enough.

DiverBelow says...

Incredibly, we are able to send & receive packages to US quite readily. If there are no facilities to process rape kits in country, there are labs in Florida. They may be backlogged, as rape is a common criminal act world-wide.

DiverBelow says...

Ever hear of Cats? Instead of environmental damaging rat poiso, Ever Hear of CATS? If each house/building has a resident cat, you would be surprised at the impact on rat populations...but you must neuter the cats, something Bahamian society is reluctant to do, even for the existing stray dog packs.
Then you can address the 4 legged issue.

DiverBelow says...

Typical government response. The more direct question is: What are you, as a representative of the people in power, doing about the murder rate? The numbers don't lie, nor should they be dismissed. Those were humans, good or bad actors.

DiverBelow says...

What happened to all the previous RFPs on renewables that have passed the PM desk with little responses? From solar to biofuels to plasma burning of garbage to Otec and more... The lack of interest beyond public relations is baffling & benefits the status quo.

DiverBelow says...

You sound like Mr. Trump-ateer. "Immigration is poisoning our blood". So how many Lucayans are ready to work?

DiverBelow says...

Sorry to say, the Political Class will maintain the Numbing & Dumbing of the Populous until the Journalist & Media Class relentlesly demand answers! That is provided there is a difference in the two, which evidently there is none based on the unanswered issues.

On EDITORIAL: Unanswered questions still linger

Posted 31 December 2023, 8:01 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Here we go again, reinventing the wheel to suit our special interests. Instead of following Common Sense, that rarest of our intelligence character.
Why can't we learn from what trials and pains others have experienced in their learning process? I.e.: should we follow the loose building codes of North & Central Florida, whom for years Until Recently, have evaded hurricanes. Or follow South Florida Building Code with our historically similar weather experience? Or neither, let's put-our-heads-in-the-sand while reinventing the wheel, looking busy.
The consequences of this disparity is increased damage and high insurance cost For All.
(In implementation of new rules there must be a reasonable "grandfathering" period for adjustment.)

DiverBelow says...

our waste is the problem. You cannot blame, a hungry shark anymore than you can blame a hungry stray dog from eating food scraps thrown on the street. Someone will be bitten. Street, dock, cannal or bay it's the same.
Fish scraps like food scraps are a good source of fertilizer for our limestone Islands, we spend a lot of money on imported commercial fertilizers when there is a readily available source.
Composting is a viable business model once the logistics are in place. Government pushing agriculture would be a natural customer.

But who would be collecting from the docks and restaurants? Not glamourous enough!! Easier to blame others for our lazy arse throwing trash on the street or off the dock.

DiverBelow says...

stop accepting mediocre service or actions... This is an attorneys response to minimal requirements for operations. A boat sank in rough waters in an shallow bay. Why did they leave the dock in those wind conditions with a full load ? Why was there water intrusion into it's hull? Was it a burst hose, a cracked weld, an object hit? A woman invested in a pleasure trip, only to have died before her family. Could better trained professional crew instead of panicked individuals have lessened the situation? Did they know how to swim or be familiar with working on the water? I Doubt it, by the reports. bahamas stop accepting mediocracy. it's a reflection on us.

On Blue Lagoon ferry back in service

Posted 21 December 2023, 4:30 p.m. Suggest removal