Comment history

DiverBelow says...

It's referred to as keeping the public ignorance high via poor education, poor reporting, poor services... if you don't expect much, you will accept mediocre service and be happy by the convenient distractions. Educated elite get educated overseas and stay overseas; while those who pay for it, continue to pay & accept mediocrity. The dumbing of The Bahamas at work...

DiverBelow says...

Competition always has a darker side. As the human population increases the demands on local marine resources, i.e.: shortage of fish to eat, add to that poor management of human behaviors, multiple feeding-experience like cleaning statiions, feeding-dive excursions where an easy snack becomes routine = competition. Ask hungry humans to behave civil at a free-food give away... good luck. Even the gentil swimming-with-pigs experience can get aggressive due to competition (corporate & nature). Like all animals, us including, competition for sex & food becomes foremost.
If you are to cull shark population, you must do same for the human population; they were here first!

On US ‘newlywed’ killed by shark

Posted 6 December 2023, 10:04 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Let's see how seriously the authorities take this example of arrogance & stupidity. More dirt under the rug... it's getting rather lumpy.

On Probe launched into mangrove destruction

Posted 25 November 2023, 8:59 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Wonder why we are looked at as a 3rd World country? Laws for convenience, but whose convenience?

DiverBelow says...

The citizenry cares not who or how their park is repaired or maintained, just that it actually happpens. Politics is a means to get govt action out of those who ignore you during most of their term... so be it!
What are the others offering? step up!

DiverBelow says...

Once again MPs have no idea of what they are regulating. The only advantage that The Bahamas has over their competitors is Proximity to US, yet all of the attributes from this advantage are eliminated by Cost! Transportation should be cheaper based on milage, its not... Today's world transport network allow items to be delivered to Jamaica's 580 miles from Miami than Nassau's 180.
Government should be concentrating on developing a world class transportation network whiting their country, thus improving commerce for all it's people, instead of only those with means. Paralyzing duties & excruciating beaurocracy is a common centuries old tool for limiting the prospects of the majority by a select few, who can afford/avoid such. ( where are their financials?)
The Upper Middle Class $200-500 per day overnighting/week visitor is the future, not the cruise ship volumes spending $16-20 per day. Governments get a rushing-high quoting the cruiseship industry volumes, while their people feel empty & hungry.
The Wealthy are more concerned with convenience and value than cost, are you providing such? No Problem, they will find Where...

DiverBelow says...

If the Bahamian version of the 'construction industry' cannot establish/meet Industry Standards among themselves? How can you expect world class developers to risk their liabilities & funding with such a disjointed local industry?
Accept the subcontractor position, develop the craftmanship, meet the skills & standards, get certified to enable liability insurance coverage.
As a person, company, or industry, You Must learn to Walk before You can Run; though You May Think Otherwise!

DiverBelow says...

Most are Barristers are they not? Or Wanna-be-Important-Team-Player, nothing close to societal leadership.

DiverBelow says...

What a load of dog shite. Qualified is only the entrance ticket, Productivity & Professionalism are the real criteria, irrelevant of where you come from!! Can the education & job training support such a criteria? That is the reality of any given country, here we prefer to Bitch & Point to Foreigners, from Street sweeper to Doctor. Even to put out a bounty now?

DiverBelow says...

Which English are we referring to? Queen's (King's now), American English, American Street Slang, Bahamian, Bahamian Street Slang, Haitian Creole-English?
There are a number of English variations, one experiences in Dade County. With time, we all understand eventually.