Comment history

DiverBelow says...

1st, move airport to higher ground instead of filling in low ground as planned. It is easier to utilize the High Rock former tracking station Air strip, which the Bahamian Govt owns, as a temporary or permanent international airport. Beautiful beaches & loads of land for supporting endeavors. Driving an hour to your hotel is common distraction with the benefit of less aircraft noise & pollution for Freeport. (Hint: it's called High Rock for a reason)
2nd. Open the Hawksbill Creek waterway, flowing from Bight to Port, as nature has dictated for millenia of storms. By closing this natural flow Hutchinson Whampoa is sacrificing Freeport City so as not to dredge the port. All ports require maintenance dredging. Invest instead of take.
3rd. Build a high seawall along north coast to protect the industrial & commercial section, diverting any potential storm surge.
Quit attempting to reinventing the wheel!
Others have faced the same challenges!!

DiverBelow says...

The definition of transparency has been changed by politicians, "only when convenient" has been added. 3rd World Characters!
It's no surprise legitimate investors are cautious...

On Six months and still no answers on disclosures

Posted 12 September 2023, 10:18 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

First off, stop codling those who break the laws, a gang style murder suspect, caught with gun in hand, should not be out on $2000 bail! It should be $20-30000 with mandatory 30 days in prison before it's available. Transparancy is not a bad word, it educates us on all aspects of societies workings, in government, in church, in education & most importantly In Politics. Minimum wage, should be a Liveable Wage, where you can DEMAND performance in the workplace. KISS rule, Keep It Simple, Stupid.

DiverBelow says...

The purpose of transparency laws are to minimize corruption. Now if you do not follow the laws &/or enforce same? Then all talk of anti-corruption has been corrupted, welcome to another 3rd world country developing into another Haiti?

DiverBelow says...

Thank You Sir. You have beautifully outlined the cause of the leaking bucket, it has a hole.
Now, what are the learned leaders of society ready to do in patching this hole?
To Date, Nothing but cheap talk!
Everyone has identified the cause, for decades!!!. what are you willing to do for remedy?
Willing to jail your cousin or brother for their missdeeds?
Willing to take the time to educate your employee? Or yourself?
Willing to tell your minister he is lazy, parasitic or wrong in his interpretationof the good book?
Willing to converse without a weapon in hand?
Willing to put in a full day of work, with satisfaction?
Willing to DEMAND fair service for fair payment?
Willing to respect authority and DEMAND their respect?
Willing to vote for Political Leadership instead of personality?
It Starts with Self, not in the Expectations of Others.

DiverBelow says...

Can't even get a Financial Statement before they become Parliamentarians!
Transparency would require one, as well as during & afterwards.
Good luck with accountability.

DiverBelow says...

Tax the smuggler They will pay.
Oh, They Already Do!
Who is holding the money?

DiverBelow says...

> Blockquote
Before you demand tax from others, show me what you have paid?
We Can't even get a Financial Statement from Parliamentarians!!
Ah, the benefits of inefficiencies, & fog.

Adding taxes require little effort by lawmakers, think of the effort required by the public... those who can pay, will eventually stop, because they can leave for elsewhere. CAN YOU?

DiverBelow says...

Before you demand tax from others, show me what you have paid?
We Can't even get a Financial Statement from Parliamentarians!!
Ah, the benefits of inefficiencies, & fog.

DiverBelow says...

Bought a new car! Don't have a proper Garage? Can't be surprised when it gets dirty!!!
Was there no post-installment Operation/Maintenance Education in agreement?
Tri-fuel capacity is an option, requiring additional equipment & operation proceedures for each fuel type.
Can you burn wood in your electric stove? Yes, but the damage & clean up makes it unpractical & unpleasant.
Politicians Forgot to Read the Inconvenient Details, Again!-