Comment history

DiverBelow says...

Legislators can't seem to honor the rules declaring their financial status as is law. Do you really believe there will be FOI in our future? Only if the FOI Act is required for available international funding, will it be passed.
Then there will be the issue of implementation!
Not Applicable To Me! Trump-ism prevails in Government Halls.

DiverBelow says...

If ever an opportunity for illustrating the need for Transparency in Government processes, this is it!!
For years, we have heard of the large amounts of licensee funds Sent to Nassau, as well as the quantities of resources spent by Bahamas Government on Freeport.
Not to be confused with what is Govt's legal responsibility for remainder of GB.
No doubt, all parties have conveniently dropped their respective responsibility over the years.
Undoubtedly taxes & beaurocracy has triplicated thrice.
Two adolesent children arguing over their chores!!!

DiverBelow says...

So true! What is the program for sustainable management of these natural assets? Does this mean more protected areas?
Will the local population be able to participate, replacing the Loterry poison? Or just another financial commodity for the wealthy to play Monopoly with?
At least possibly, the average Bahamian can see the value of their God given natural world. As most visitors do.

DiverBelow says...

In the conversations on the future of Freeport, let's be transparent on the facts. Like what has Freeport paid to Nassau in past years when all they had was Atlantis as the premier attraction.
It's always easy to conveniently forget when the Nassau economy has improved.
Most other national governments would have placed heavy penalties on the actions (or inactions) of Hutchison/PortProperties for their lack of repair to the Airport & Hotel post Dorian. GBPA could not go against their Chinese partners/income source, nor can Nassau. Do you think Nassau is capable? British Colonial is still stagnant.
Yes, you may be able to change govt participants every five years. But, can you change the mind-set?

DiverBelow says...

Yes, It is possible, with cooperation, communication, politicos & egos left in the parking lots.

On Dream of a Freeport Utopian city

Posted 8 June 2023, 4:20 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

The reference to a "flood mitigation system and basin" is indicative of major bs, as the source is The Little Bahams Bank, which is part of The Atlantic, not just rainwater!!! Unless we are talking Netherlands style dikes & pumps... Need higher ground.
Hey!.There is a runway out east on high ground called High Rock, former US Tracking Station, which was GIVEN to The Bahamas govt. with lots of acreage!
its there, use it, stop putting band-aids on a dead horse.
Lots of space for multiple "Hubs". Keep FPO for small aircrafts... if flooded, they can use High Rock. Sorry forgot, requires too much common sense.

DiverBelow says...

Sounds like someone's eyes are surprised by the potential income; while their greed has thrown out their agreement and development cost sharing. So in a fit of stupidity, they cut off the income payment services without an alternative method, in the height of charter season. You can't get any more ignorant political than this!!!

throwing out the baby with the water.

DiverBelow says...

In the world of animal husbandry, do you kill your breeding adult cows & bulls for meat, when the intent is to increase your herd numbers? To only save the inmature sexualy inactive animals is a guarantee of population failure... after all who produces the babies?... the sexually mature adults!!
As conch produces their shell from layering the smooth beautiful inside portion, the Thick Lipped Conch are the Older Mature Breeders. The thicker the shell, the older the animal. Some Decades of Breeding!!

Having a harvesting rule and a plastic measuring devise with a 1/4" - 5/16" opening, allows the fisher to take animals with shell bigger than an open hand, but not thicker than 1/4" opening. Allowing rollers & early-flare for harvest, while maintaining mature breeders to increase the populations of managed areas.

Let's go back to Old Fisherman Rule: thick lip conch are poison, meet'ol, tuff, grey, nogood.
You would be an old tough poxed shelled Conch if you dragged your shell through sand, grass and reef for decades... with many multitudes of offsprings.

DiverBelow says...

Over the years, various government administration's have refused to address the ever growing weed vine that is BPL. If you don't trim & stop feeding, it becomes uncontrollable. Now that it has taken over the whole house, no wonder it is choking the Bahamian People & Industry.
Two PLP & one FNM governments have received independent positive proposals to remedy this situation, All Refusing to Release the Nursing Tit of Shell...WHY? ...Got Shares?

On Who’s to blame for BPL costs?

Posted 7 February 2023, 9:18 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Freedom of Information Act restricts Freedom of Favors Policy. I.e.: DOA (Dead on Arrival)