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DiverBelow says...

Freedom of Information Act restricts Freedom to Corrupt Policy...i.e.: DOA (dead on arrival).

On [img/photos/2023/01/06/container_port.jpg]

Posted 6 January 2023, 9:25 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Ref. Student Loans. Place an enforced clause that requires equivalent time in Public Services practicing their craft. If no such craft is in country, then substitute it with educational or social work. A couple of years giving back to The People of The Bahamas, can be supplemented by online education to continue their craft & careers. (Provided good online services are provided. Every other street light can be a Wi-Fi source, technology available & proposed to govt.)

DiverBelow says...

Should you wish to actually resolve the Bahamas Resolve, make public the list of debtors WITH the amount owed. Peer pressure in a small society is very effective.
The cash cow that is government slackness needs less people sucking on it's dry tits. Resolve Bahamas went after the low-fruit, i.e. the small people who could not afford a lengthy legal fight. The higher the fruit the higher the legal batties. Publish the List.
Wonder how much business would an individual loose if their clients knew how much they owed. Probably an increase in business, as nothing is more popular than a Bigger Pirate in a den of Pirates & Thieves. Worthy of watching the effect. Publish the List.

DiverBelow says...

As inflation & cost of living ever rising, the response will be "if they can, so can I". Keep in mind most politicians are attorneys who are true craftsmen in manipulation.
Where are society's moral church Leaders? Pushing the politicians aside.

DiverBelow says...

Pulling the Race Card is a Cheap, Low Level excuse to stop communications.

DiverBelow says...

Ever hear of "Apprentices Programs"? Practiced in some form in 90% of countries.
Sponsored by various union & trade organizations with government participation. Starting at middle schools, "Shop classes" where introductory to what skills could be possible & interesting.
There is a difference between Knowledge & Skill, DYI from Home Depot is knowledge, Fine Tuning that knowledge developed into a Skill, Mastering that Skill becomes a True Craftsman.

Why should the developer not import skilled personnel if such is not readily available to meet their standards? Sounds like a certification process is required. Are the infamous Unions &Trade Organizations willing to Ivest in such Education? Or just continue to collect dues & membership fees to pay executive/administrative salaries. Not a new problem...Complaining without solution is merely Cheap Hot Air.

On Skills transfer woe still a ‘sad reality’

Posted 21 December 2022, 8:45 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

There are 3 types of people/governments in the world: 1. Those that make things happen (proactive). 2. Those that watch things happen (dumbfounded). 3. Those who must say "What happened?" (permanent fog).
Which applies?
The marine environment is Your Sovereignty, Protect it! Manage what Impacts her.
ignorance is no excuse.

On Call for govt probe after barge sinks

Posted 19 December 2022, 9:08 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Reading the Owners & Operators Manual is not enough. Those who get hands-on practice will demand more money, only to be replaced with next group of cheaper " machinery newbies"
Look at the history of the expensive security boats, forgot to teach navigation...

DiverBelow says...

Has anyone, URCA or any government agency actually reviewed the Compressed Natural Gas Proposal submitted to BPL by WMS over the years? The US sourced fuel would be cheaper & cleaner than LNG. The BPL financing alone is worth serious discussion.

Third World Politicians are proud of what they can get for themselves, WITH only Poor Excuses for the Burden on the Man on the Street... soon to be under the street. crab in bucket syndrome.

DiverBelow says...

Wise up People, there is no perfect fair system.
Wether practiced for 2000years or 200years it matters little (US's experiment or Italy's Roman based system); it's the acceptance of the governed that matters, Period. We can expect little or demand a great deal from our leaderships, it's our choice!
When the economy is heavily one sided for the wealthy & little left for the balance of the governed... there are more than one serious issue to address.
Government is the only place where credibility is based only on, what is tolerated as normal behavior and hypocracy is a most common attribute.
(Ok, there are similarities in organized religions.)