Comment history

DiverBelow says...

It's not the fee or Fee(s) that is the issue, like most businesses it's passed through to the client.
It's the overburdensome Registration & Administrative Process!!!
Obviously reading is an issue!
Boat owners & charter clients want some anonymity, that's why most serious charter boats are limited liability companies, not unlike rental properties.
It's the mechanics of the processes. Govt appointees must complicate these to justify their position & employment. Good Old Colonial English Beauracrazy, to employ needless high numbers while ignoring impact on efficiency, such labor is cheap.

DiverBelow says...

Web-shop lottery tickets anyone?

DiverBelow says...

Everything govt touch, 3rd World Golden Turd Touch.

DiverBelow says...

Well Mr. Pintard, why don't YOU explain to The Bahamian People, in detail, what other Options they have to Fuel BPL & pass on the savings to the people. Instead of political manipulations. There Are Options as You and Others have been informed many times over. Explain Why the Fuel Oligarchs do not wish to affect their CashCow Shell. Explain To The People that these options have been available to 3 past administrations, plp, fnm, & plp once again. These are still there after 15years; think of the COST and burden to the people this inactivity has allowed?
fpl opted for compressed natural gas in 2009, 13 years back! get with the modern world.
Solar Power needs Large Expensive Storage Batter Capacity to be fully functional, it's time is coming, in 30yrs possibly. At this rate the Bahamian diaspora will outnumber those in your land.

On Pintard calls for Sears to resign

Posted 19 November 2022, 12:45 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

There is a need to institute educational programs to make better citizenship & associated responsibilities. This on both sides of the Gulfstream, the sovereigns are different but issues/influences are the same with such proximity.
Bring back the 3 C's: Corporal Punishment, Civil Education, Care for Your Neighbor.
Religion & Politicians will always be the necessary symbiotic parasites of society, elect the ones with Somewhat of a Conscience to improve their Neighbors lives, while they improve on their own.

DiverBelow says...

Any bets that the culprit is out on bail & cut his ankle bracelet?
Want safety?...hang'em all for violent crimes. Fast track their trials...
Otherwise the number of vigilantes taking actions will prevail, news say it's competing gangs... is it?

On Shot German men were regular visitors

Posted 4 November 2022, 11:21 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Fastest way to curb US investors. Sleeping with a Dragon anyone? Remember BahaMar fiasco.

On China aims for extra investment

Posted 4 November 2022, 11:08 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

BPL is another example of political influences overriding common senspe business management decisions. I.e.: There is no Common Sence in Politics.
Latest News... shell's profits are highest ever!! How many shares does your family have?

DiverBelow says...

BPL has a Compressed Natural Gas (CNG not LNG!) Fuel proposal on their desk which would cut fuel cost by 1/3rd. The Shell Oil Oligarchs are holding you Hostage.
CNG is not cryogenic gas (as is LNG), thus no need to warm the fuel with warm water, using some of the fuel YOU paid for. If they use coastal warm seawater, the cold water discharge will kill local reefs & fish that protect the island... your choice, not theirs !!!!

DiverBelow says...

Corruption and accepting mediocre service is the fastest way to loose productivity in any workforce. government has a role.
i recall a year of working in Venezuela, where a populous govt made firing an employee very expensive, with a high severance pay. The result was immediate downturn in productivity with most employed doing what they could to be expelled, including criminal activity.
The popular statement was "has'lo tu", you need it done? Do it yourself!
We all know where that got them...
If you pay fairly per cost of living, then Demand Fair Service... walk away from mediocrity. Competitive productivity benefits all.