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DiverBelow says...

And the cost of demolishing/recycling is higher & more detrimental than a gallon of bleach with water!!!
If the infrastructure is wrong fix it, fool!
A large fork truck will move the domes to better locations. Secured for reuse after next hurricane hit.
Government with no foresight is blindly spending taxpayers limited funds. Soon to run out.

DiverBelow says...

Yet BPL still using dirty bunker, expensive diesel & kerosene to provide climate dirty eratic power. When there are proposals for cleaner, cheaper, natural gas on their desks for four years+ !!!!.
No decision while the ink fades... international investors want to see what you are doing for your country BEFORE they open THEIR checkbooks.
I.e.: Teenagers, clean up you room, then clean up the world... Mother's favorite statement.

On ‘Polluters must pay climate costs’

Posted 21 September 2022, 9:24 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

When one grows up in a world of multitudes of church based gatherings & conferences, lead by 'talking heads'with 'no-action' bodies. It should be no surprise that our political leadership should prioritize traveling to 'any- reason' resultless conferences at the expence of the working man on the street!
Today, one can attend any meeting or conference on line, without the cost of room & board... Oh yeah it requires a steady, secure internet. Yes, your streetlight can provide wifii, if your government wants.
It would be nice for them to share their accumulated credit miles to families who can not afford medical travels.

DiverBelow says...

Mold problem? Ever hear of Clorox & Water as a cleaning agent?
Fiberglass interiors will hold moisture if not well ventilated, mold is attracted to this high humidity, as all boat owners know. Destruction is mandated only when mold enters the insulation & cannot be treated, a rarity. Solar ventilators are cheap & easy to install.
Should be repurposed as mini shops, storage sheds, home offices, workshop offices. Etc.
What ya doing with fiberglass parts? Burning is highly toxic.
A ridiculous outcome to a wasteful concept of a solution. As in any type of structure, Domes were workable if assembled correctly, not so closely concentrated, maintained.

On Demolition begins of domes in Abaco

Posted 10 September 2022, 11:14 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Recipe for maintaining a Corrupt 3rd World Nation:
The first step in controling the populous is to promote ignorance in education. Give Just Enough Schooling to function at the most minimal levels. They will not challenge what they do not understand.
Second, Provide Minimal Chaotic Services while maintaining there is Not Enough Money to improve... thus the people will be satisfied with the little received.
Third, Tax The Hell Out Of Them, keep them distracted with the constant Efforts to Survive in today's high cost of living.
Fourth, Maintain a Governing Superiority Class. The Good Ol'Boys Society limiting newcomers with ideas.
Fifth, Foster a Competative Criminal Class to Justify a Weak Judiciary.
Sixth, maintain a Historical Race Card for Today's Every Ill, instead of an Honest Christian Resolution for the last 40+years of independence.
Begg for Everything you can get from others, no need for Proud Personal Resilience.

Sound Familiar? ...Mix & Heat at Will...It is a Common Recipe.

DiverBelow says...

No mater the Party in Power.
I'm reminded of a piece of movie dialog, just add 'bahamas' to:
" can't handle the truth !!..."
As a Society, are we mature enough? Yes! is The Parties that are fearful of Truth & Sunshine..

DiverBelow says...

Are we proud of government services yet? Courting foreign investors, ignoring and turning their backs once the checks have cleared. Not even the courtesy of a response!!.
Not a unique example as the investment world watches. Is this how the red-carpet is rolled out? Be careful of the holes & wrinkles.
Ever wonder why we attract the interest of highly parasitic investor types? Birds of similar feathers often flock together. If government has no respect, why should we? ...a common 3rd world mindset which needs to change if we want to become more than those with our begging-cups out.

On Port row owners in residency woe

Posted 26 August 2022, 7:19 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Where are the church leaders? Are we not a Christian country with a powerful Christian Council asking for contributions each week? Church leaders are the bridge & communicators, the moral examples for the common man with Govt; not merely administrators/accumulators of wealth.
Youth's group mentality demands leadership & example. Gangland Ghetto leadership or Religious, Educators & Sports personalities leadership? Ignoring the need with your head in the Conch Shell does no good. Military discipline is always a good option for undisciplined youth facing jail time.

DiverBelow says...

Instead of being reactive & blaming other's
Climate Change inactivity, what are we doing in our own household?
Bahamas, be proactive, be an example to other SID countries!. Move away from the higher polluting fosil fuels & those used in high volumes. CNG for utilities is the first step, the transfer of the transportation sector in due time. Even the ever so loved cruise industries are modifying their vessels to using CNG! As have many utilities worldwide.
The rooftop Solar Power micro grid capabilities during daylight is high, while the required storage capacity & load sharing is still an evolving technology. What to do in meantime?
Change what you can! Some action is better than no-action. Maintaining Status Quo with your hand out is common 3rd world.

DiverBelow says...

The Chinese & Indian contribution to the Climate issue is due mainly to their populations beign so extremely large, with subsequent contributions to pollution and little effort to resolution. Similarly at what point will Nassau say enough, there is no more space nor resources for more people? Of course we can always go up in skyscrapers, skyrails etc like beijing...Or not.
Choosing a cheaper Chinese or Indian solar panels is your perogative, little propaganda there.
LNG is the same as CNG, just in a higher volume & costly transport cryogenic liquid form. Less costly for the supplier, not the consumer/distributor, who must re-gassify using local saltwater to warm it back into a gas, changing the local water temperature much colder, damaging local reefs. Less damage if govt insist the cold water is pumped to similar cold waters at depth. A costly process, passed onto consumers. We agree that Natural Gas is a transitional utility fuel till technology improves hydrogen or electric storage systems.