Comment history

DiverBelow says...

No idea when the Climate Issue became a Chinese Propaganda tool. Get your head out of da Conch Shell, when the water rises inside, the only air is within the swirls!
3 administration's have been offered Natural Gas & alternative power projects of various forms; each kicking the can down the road without any commitment to move away from the Fossil Fuel Junkies that we are.
Like the drug junkie, spending his time seeking any means to the next "Survival Drug Contribution" to make it thru the day, till the next election. Be Brave, the solutions are on your desks, make decisions beyond the 'No Solution Staus Quo' .
Sociologist have proven that once we beg for our becomes Habitual instead of Insulting, minimizing any drive to find solutions for ourselves.

DiverBelow says...

Spearfishing with a compressor? is as dangerous as with a scuba tank. Legal in Florida, legal in Bahamas? Very efficient, its no surprise Florida is barren. Predators love to steal from you...
Even with a recompression chamber, who will you blame for the embolism?

On My son didn’t have to die

Posted 8 August 2022, 10:51 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

performance is everything. Ask yourself, over the decades What is the difference in The Performance of plp & fnm?
none!! research & compare the issues in the news during Any Administration of past 49years... crime, tourism, economy, health, education (at bottom)...Nothing has changed, the Staus Quo prevails.
Need a moderating third party? certainly would help here & in the US.

DiverBelow says...

As members of The Fourth Estate of Society, newspapers must dedicate themselves to investigations into the issues affecting our daily lives.
Do your Job! Follow the will invariably show the skeletons of our society.
Yes, it is challenging in a small society where everyone knows everyone's brothers & cousins. Also, much easier to be your brother keeper's and improving our reputation as a Civil Society. Otherwise we are just another 3rd World Country of Criminal Swine, as expected...

DiverBelow says...

Another case of 'ignorant, greedy, opportunist' at sea. Hang the slime in the sun to dry!

DiverBelow says...

sheeprunner12: You are the only one making sence on this page, what a bunch of ignoramouses. Oligarths & Status-Quo charlatans.
Beleivers you will be, when the next cat5 floats your slab-on-sand home into the bay or next door neighbors; you will be on 1st flight out for the hills of US or Europe, joining all those 'run-away-professionals' who gladly took their education-abroad benefits, never to return the investment home to improve their mother & country.
Dont complain about greed & political starts young.

DiverBelow says...

poaching is poaching, wether for personal consumption or profit. Taking egg bearing females is wrong/illegal in both US & The Bahamas, there is no excuse for ignorance of policy; nor knowledge of location within the Park, particularlywith todays electronics even a cellphone!!
Cruising vessels are guest in another's country and must be responsible guest as we demand in our own home. But when a guest sees bad behavior & laxness by the same occupants, they will imitate.
In regards to natural resources, the impact of volumes of contraband is critical to response of authority. I.e.: Dominican commercial fisher poachers should loose all as that is piracy, compared to a cruising vessel catching dinner. penalties should reflect the gravity of the action.

DiverBelow says...

Kill the mature, thick lip, tough-grey meated, breeding adults & you loose it all.
Original natives had reverence for the world they are placed in, understanding that ,they must be responsible, temporary caretakers for the future generations to come. Can we? or are We destined to emulate what the Europeans did to the American Buffalo (photo) and Original Natives.
[Mountain of Bufafalo skuls][1]

On ‘When will we learn?'

Posted 29 June 2022, 4:57 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

I thought Americans where notoriously deficient in memory & attention-span!
When it comes to Venezuelan Oil, people conveniently forget the fraud & blackmail Venezuela placed on most of the members of Petro Caribe, particularly the smaller island economies.
Yes, the quality of Venezuelan Oil is so high in sulphur & contaminants, most industrial engines have a shortened life expectancy & high maintenance. It's no wonder only Cuba could Buy/Barter it.
Is this what you wish to fuel your new & repowered utilities?
What happened to the Compressed Natural Gas fuel transition program promoted by WMS last year? A cheaper & less poluting fuel?...HMMMMmmmm.Is that not what 80% of world utilities presently use?
Another beneficial program squashed by the Big Oil Boys?
Let's go to another public paid world conference, shall we? Where to this time? ...Mars?

DiverBelow says...

Drunk on their Wana-Be-Important power.
Ignorance of the role/purpose of their position, is no excuse.
Politics today obscures career/purpose with 'make-work' to justify the paycheck. Simply emulating politicians who spend most of their time & energies solidifying their Jobs & Party, rather than pursuing the good/advancement of their country & electorate.

On ‘Mangrove replant delay is madness’

Posted 22 June 2022, 2:35 p.m. Suggest removal