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DiverBelow says...

Let's do a tally on how many have gone thru this type of situations over the years.
From the famous Hollywood stars to wealthy industrialist to many a common man on any family island street.
Acceptable maybe in the horse n buggy days of remote history where each island took care in the best they could with what they have at the time. no more... Today we have internet/satellite communications, computer for managing materials & services, even TeleMedicine to diagnose & instruct!
What we do not have is common sence... To review the circumstances & make decisions in the interest of expediting the situation to the benefit of the injured... not in the interest of paper pushers. There will be time afterward for those.
My condolences to all.

On Family’s questions as crash claims three

Posted 25 January 2022, 12:43 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Quickly fix the dock in Abaco, dock it there as a Hospital/Govt Office/Temporary Housing/food Bank. Has the equipment, only needs the personnel & supplies.

On Cruise ship sails to Bahamas to avoid fine

Posted 25 January 2022, 12:13 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

All the comments should be added to the concept, develop it all into a workable plan & stick to it. Plan for 10 years, not 5 yrs, get rid of the 'While My Party In' temporary mindset.

I understand from a flying fish, there is a way to make any street light into an internet hotspot, eliminating any excuse for lack of homework! They all have cell phones do they not?

Those educated abroad, need to return & provide a return on the investment... contracted 6 months work for each year of education provided, in public service, industry or education.

DiverBelow says...

In either political party in government, while in office, the first question to ask is Are the minister in charge on the millionair parlimentarian roster and seek their financial statement at begining of term. Then ask same at end of term.

On $90m hospital projects now face ‘concerns’

Posted 4 November 2021, 12:38 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

What use are greenhouses in the tropics? For those one or two cold fronts during the winter? Possibly to hide under during a rainstorm?
Another useless gift with long strings attached... all the way to Beijing. Navy bases next.

On China donates 15 greenhouses to The Bahamas

Posted 22 October 2021, 3:04 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

No need to reinvent the wheel in the name of sovereignty. Dade & Monroe County Codes & standards can be the updating guidelines, as environmental conditions are identical.
What is critical is the education & enforcement of said codes.

South Florida had to learn a tough lesson in ramifications from lack of enforcement with hurricane David, with Dorian doing the same for Northeastern Bahamas.
Education, apprenticeships & code enforcement within a reasonable period to update existing structures is warranted. Another set of extraneous codes with no application, is not convenient, it's costly! As reflected in today's insurance premiums.

On Building code ‘way behind the curve’

Posted 9 October 2021, 4:47 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

There are other players, the world energy industry is not only comprised of Shell, BP, Mobil, Chevron... or Venezuela.
This countries' fuel demands are relatively minor, is this why you don't see these mega-players knocking on your door? Shell believes it has all the cards, forcing the govt./consumers to build the plants that they will ultimately own, with a few select Bahamian investors. +15% is the beginning.
It is too high now!

DiverBelow says...

This practice of elimination of civil servants positions because of their political preference is archaic & most troublesome.
archaic, because in ones vocation, a person should rightfully expect to be terminated due to illegal activities or poor performance of their responsibilities and be provided with legal means of challenging their political detractors. This builds pride in oneself & your work.
troublesome, because a pattern of self-survival develops, knowing you only have a short period of employment during this political term thus you must make the best of it, by hook or crook. Knowing he prospects of termination for poor performance is slim, particularly if it was not earned by skill nor ability. Thus an attitude & poor service prevails... today a most familiar complaint.
Are these not the foundation stones of corruption & stagnation? becoming a type of institutional accepted corruption... no wonder the Old Boys mentality prevails, i.e.: its who you know & what you can get, not what you are capable of providing to the well being of society.
no government is perfect! why we have elections.

On Avoid tit-for-tat confrontations

Posted 9 October 2021, 3 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

From reading pre-election newspapers, it appears the Public knows more about Other Proposals for BPL than their own Board & Former Cabinet. Ai'nt that convenient!

On No certainty over BPL bond, Shell LNG deal

Posted 8 October 2021, 1:32 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

There are many convenient excuses presented here, also consider:
1. not enough square footage for a Solar Farm; loads of square footage of rooftops.
2. Financing problems for rooftops PV's in leasing or ownership programs, is based on BPL's poor management & credit standing. With the current enthusiasm for Climate Action there are a myriad of NGO programs which can provide financial help to owners if managed by the utility & government (keyword Managed). They want owners to carry all the risk.
3. Battery storage is an issue for a Solar Farm, not so for individual rooftop units with their own wall storage units. Provided they can be financed in the complete package.
4. Excess power provided by rooftops during the day is consumed individually or contributed to the grid via controller/battery units. i.e.: less fuel consumed during day.
5. Current quality issues for the utility receiving power from rooftops, todays good inverters/controllers & battery wall units have minimized this issue. Quality affected by the state of grid & transformer condition.
6. Rooftop PV will require additional & improved BPL management, the largest reason for poor grid conditions & poor financials.