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DiverBelow says...

Wonder what it would be like if Freeport had the original 250,000 population instead of present 30,000 or so? What would be their excuses?
GB well water is known to be hard & corrosive, but you are only paying for electricity to run a pump, salt content varies with weather. Municipal water quality & quantity are expensive and expected. PA failed once again, AquaDesign looking for new market?

On ‘Water heater sales are lucrative on GB’

Posted 10 September 2021, 10:49 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

After reading these comments, all can say is FDA approved the booster shot for people that have serious immune system issues... it is an emergency we are living under.
Lets not forget the FDA approved Viagra & many many men have died from that drug! ...Some by wives claiming miss use also. Miss who?
Go to any hospital with Covid, ask nurses, take pictures/videos of patients that are drowning in their fluid filled lungs, ask them how they doing? Look at the misery tv interviews with those who wished they had taken the vaccine.
What are you going to tell your grandchildren? I listened to others, instead of science. ... provided you survive.
Ignorance is not Bliss, it is Death.
Doctors & Nurses that know the science... They are seriously Stupid!! or think they are Superior to this population control virus.

DiverBelow says...

Foreigners understand the Third World mentality of 'slip me something & I will look the other way'.
If Bahamians themselves do not respect the sovereignty rules enough to enforce them, why should foreigners do it for them?
Case in point, this event, Cruise ship garbage dumping, Shipping ballast-water dumping, North BiminiCubana, and many more...

DiverBelow says...

Someone in the Bahamas Media should do a 'Follow The Money' investigatory report on this Severely Bandaged utility. Assuming they have any cojones left, must be quick about it, as if the Shell America contract is signed, opening the door to the Business as Usual motif. Shell reneged on their responsibility to provide replacement plants, instead you have used rebuilt units in new buildings to be paid by the customers.
The expensive LNG fuel will require millions of gallons per hour of warm seawater to make the gas usable from its cryogenic state. This cold water runoff will kill any tropical sea life it encounters. Then there is the expensive facility to warm the Trinidad/Venezuela LNG, so who gets what? Inquiring Minds want to Know!
There are alternatives, in proposals on BPL exec's desk.
Natural Compressed Gas from US, Florida or Texas; at 1/3rd the price/cost, is one. Same equipment conversion process as LNG.
Florida Power & Light uses natural gas on 72% of their power plants... must be something right.

DiverBelow says...

If the Delta variant is in Miami, it's in Bimini, that quaint latino-ized extension of Little Havana, which the government has sold out. A recent visit was an eye opener, after 40+ years of visiting Bimini... no more!
The same can be said for Sand Cay, does MSC require vaccines?

DiverBelow says...

Given the choice, I personally I would not want an unvaccinated nurse attending me. If life or death situation? ok. The vaccine does not prevent getting the Corona19 virus, it assist your immune system to lessen the effect of the virus. In other words, you may get a slight cough versus having a 1" diameter tube thrust down your throat, having to be on your stomach, head down to drain your lungs of slime.
Do you not take a flu shot to minimize the yearly flu season?
In the interest of maintaining highly skilled front-line manpower to address a highly contagious disease, the hospitals should mandate vaccines. Pilots are mandated to be experienced in craft & licensed; car drivers mandated to be licensed & have insurance.
You are educated and trained in science, or just a robot who absorbed a routine of procedures for a paycheck?
Think about it.

DiverBelow says...

In Dem Old'en Days, when all relied on one's individual well & catchment water; after the hurricanes passed causing salt intrusion, an Act of God was an acceptable excuse . Everyone pitched in to help those who could not provide for themselves while the wells cleared themselves, particularly as Reverse Osmosis systems were very very expensive. Today that is not the case, at around $3000 per unit, most vessels over 30' have their own.

Many households can not afford such a luxury & maintenance item, thus we are connected to citywide utility water systems at a monthly cost. Paying for service & management.

Hurricanes & other Act of God events, are not new to any tropical island, their severity is something new and we all must make adjustments to our protection procedures accordingly.
Planning, purchasing & installation of a Permanent Utility sized system in 2 years is acceptable, but not as an excuse for inaction post storm. Taking 2 years to replace/install a Temporary Reverse Osmosis System is no excuse, there are many trailer mounted rental units available for interim use from all over the world, many surplus military units.

Poor Planning, like Poor Management is not excusable. Think & Work Together.

DiverBelow says...

A simple question. Cryogenic LNG requires warming before use as a gas/fuel, most often by sea water. Where is the water taken from? And most important where is the chilled water discharged? A pond? The sea? Recirculated in air conditioner/refrigeration systems?

On LNG supplier funded hotel power move

Posted 12 July 2021, 8:21 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

There are serious alternatives to such high interest loans, to be paid by the consumer, Bahamians are hurting. Natural Compressed Gas is considerably cheaper for the consumer & much better for the equipment & environment. No re-inventing the old broken wheel, a good interim technology till solar and battery storage are efficient & economically viable. Florida Power & Light knows.
Follow the $$$, bond brokers commissions & fees... you will pay these.

DiverBelow says...

True there is an abundance of sand in various locations, but was this not a sensitive issue a while back when dredging & exporting volumes of sand to Florida & elsewhere was considered raping the country by a few?
What Mr. Sands is suggesting has its virtues & concerns, to create a product & export it to compete on the world market is a good move, but will the quality justify the cost?
The sand will need washing to minimize salt corrosion of internal steel mesh & supports; who has enough fresh water in their groundwater lens to spare? Reverse osmosis for freshwater is expensive, ask the govt. Possibly why you see large mounds of rock/sand waiting years for rain to fall... that is not eliminating the salt, just superficial rinsing.
Cement is an expensive import, will the govt. be subsidizing? There is a company making construction components in GB, their cost/prices are not low.
Transport cost of a heavy end product is another crippler, may be why Mexico exports cement instead of concrete, they have loads of sand, clay & water.
Considering the basics before a business model is put forth.