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DiverBelow says...

Each fuel has a standard/criteria, this is tested before it enters the vessel & before it is discharged into land tanks. Standard procedure worldwide (at a cost). Not certain if is procedure on interisland transfers, should be. Or was wrong fuel placed in wrong tank? Contaminating the service tank & damaging engine fuel system?
Time to honestly consider Compressed Natural Gas (one source - one tank), cheaper & more reliable, less pollution. Not LNG, which requires much warming water & killing fish. If good enough for new Cruise Line ships & many worldwide utilities like FPL, why not Bahamas? I believe there is an offer before govt on same? Including conversions? Si.

DiverBelow says...

Yet once again EMERA execs get a $1mil raise. This while pushing for a rate hike in economically devastated GB. (… )
Corporate greed
How is your day going? Got a million $$ raise?

DiverBelow says...

I do not understand the Co*ones of these corporate entities that feel they are not responsible for hurricane damages repairs of THEIR properties. HWhapoa has taken the insurance funds & refused to repair Twice! (Hotel & airport). Here a power company that owns the distribution network, is passing on the cost of Their Lack of Maintenance & upgrades, there are many poles & cables still down from before Mathews.
Certainly there is no such thing as Easy-Insurance in the Hurricane Belt, but it is available. What about insurance for the Ice-Belt, when every rain drop freezes on the lines, trees, poles etc. multiple times throughout any winter, particularly a Canadian one.
This same corporation is pushing advancing state of the art small-grid battery storage & PV systems in Florida, who is going to pay for the wind blown panels? the retirement community?
Charging your clients for your self-insuring choices, who have no choice of whom to get power from, in the middle of a pandemic/recession is criminal. At least wait till the economy improves sufficiently. Then stick it to 'em, as you will.

DiverBelow says...

How old is this structure? 5-6 years old? is this an indication of the Chinese quality construction work?
Questions need to be asked.

DiverBelow says...

Like Oil, it's how much of a cost to extract, condition for market & transport.
Peru requires digging up, transport railways, grinders, more railroads to embarkation port, ship to client. Big Expenses.
Bahamas requires vacuum pumping from bar, water separation, barge transport to client, almost in one motion. Big Profit.

DiverBelow says...

Is anyone surprised? Every year I am still waiting on the three wise men to bring me gifts.
Once the site is accessible. This is a perfect opportunity for the environmental groups to photograph, document, study the effects of the drilling process on the remote local biosphere. Particularly the damages from anchors, support vessels , drilling effluent/mud discharges & even garbage from the ship. We know what a spill can do.
There is always some oil underground, everywhere, remember the various Mass Extinctions in our long geologic history? The real question is How Much oil & How Expensive to access? This latter question is the fertile ground for many an investment scam.

DiverBelow says...

Where are the aerial photos of the drilling process? Oil like water drilling requires a thick lubricating mud to bring the debris to the surface & discharges of both are common. Are the BPL doing such a good job of recycling said mud & debris that it is not visible in the pristine waters? I think not.
Get some photos for the public to see, do not accept air seclusion zones.

On Oil exploration 'not in country's interest'

Posted 8 January 2021, 1:39 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Really? You are concerned because those who were given a ridiculous tax break 4 years back & now the funds must be found to cover that portion of their accumulated debt? Sounds like a credit card company complaining because a cardholder cut up his maxed out card, after collecting years of high interest...or... commission. Have no fear the very wealthy will continue to purchase & sell their investment properties throughout the world.
When the economy in US improves, the middle & middle high class traveler visits will improve, spending more money among regular Bahamians. May even buy some real estate. I would be more concerned on how the visitor is treated, there is great need for improvement if you want to compete.

DiverBelow says...

Not surprising responses, since the countries' leadership has not been able to contain even the seeping oil at Clifton Pier!
Do anyone really believe they will be interested in cleaning in a spill on Cay Sal Bank?
Rest assured they will receive a bill for US clean-up & damages when such event occurs, and it will!
'Let the next generation pay, we have our riches' is their moto. Pay Back is always Expensive.

On Sad day for the country, say activists

Posted 24 December 2020, 12:40 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

So what Protocol are in play to contain & clean up the oil should there be an accident?
What are the Protocols for the drilling effluents, lubricating fluids & heavy chemicals commonly dumped in 'normal' drilling muds & procedures?
Where are the containment boom releasing vessels & boom maintaining boats? 20, 30, 50, 100 miles away?
Where are the skimmer vessels to vacuum up the floating oil? 20, 30, 50, 100 miles away?
Where are the aircraft on stand by to spray the dispersal over the slick? 100, 200, 500 miles away?
Who is paying for these? Who is liable for the damage to such pristine location?
Do not tell me 'They' or 'Govt'; as these entities are still paying for the Horizon debacle of 20 years ago.
Don't tell me 'we'll learn as we go'; as they did with The Valdez, still cleaning the oil after 50yrs!
The Chinese nor Cubans are going to help... well possibly at a hefty price. ...only the Bahamian DR run fishing vessels & their sculling dinghy's?
How idiotic!!

On Drilling ship sets sail for Bahamas

Posted 28 November 2020, 2:13 p.m. Suggest removal