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DiverBelow says...

In most countries The Industry does the training while the Govt. maintains the standards for safety, resource maintenance & legality. Occasionally there is some subsidy for reinforcing an industry.
What about aquaculture? Do you know that in the Philippines & China, they raise Groupers, Snappers & multiple of other finfish species? even multiple species of crabs & lobsters? Some in fattening farms (wild caught as young, raised to market size), others from egg to market size.
What I see here are industry giants not wanting to invest in their industry, who cant see past their bottom line. The foreign nationals can be a source of education for an industry in transition to improving methodology, resource management & sciences. The world markets are only leaving areas that they have depleted, they will always be hungry & available.

DiverBelow says...

The question here is why must it be an outsider group to spearhead such transfer of skills?
Where are the Construction Professional Community? They can not agree on an established Standards of Building Code. Even when these exist in the country's neighborhood.
Must be doubt & fear of their own skills, or the crabs-in-bucket syndrome.
They will ultimately benefit as the labor pool skills are improving. There must be an apprentice program for anyone, not merely graduated students. (Graduated from what with what?)
Don't expect the government to take the lead, they are full of 'lifers', people who merely exist for the next paycheck. As the world leaves them behind.
There are three types of people in this world:
1. Those that Make things happen.
2. Those who Watch things happen.
3. Those who Say 'What Happened?"

On Rebuilding lives and communities

Posted 13 November 2020, noon Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Do you really think that having 250 new cases in the last week (since Sept 14th) is nothing, let's not forget about previous 2 weeks. This is not going to entice any visitor to come & spend their hard earned dollars and risk dying of a horrible disease that makes one drown in your own lungs mucus?
Too many people have drank the Guyana flavored kool-aid (look it up) preached by No-Mask TRump. The vaccine is a year away from reaching the Bahamas, cant run over to Florida & pick up a dozen at Walmart. Be Smart Bahamas.

DiverBelow says...

***Who the hell places 17 people (alleged, 12 certain) in a 27 foot small craft?*** **That Is Criminal**, if even for a short shuttle-ride from one island to another, in good weather. Here we have a Depression with strong winds & waves! In a land of natural mariners?
The smuggler cares not one iota for the immigrant's lives, just pay me & God help you desperate immigrant. The crew/captain/smugglers are the criminals, taking the money & run like cowards that they are. They should be identified in every news piece, no matter who's brother or cousin they may be!!

DiverBelow says...

The Bahamas Government shortsightedness has officially made cruising Florida & The Florida Keys joyous, even with the high numbers of fellow cruisers.
In Europe & some South American countries do require a departure certificate, but they are for Safety Purposes, to ensure the vessel actually arrived at it's intended destination, particularly where cold rough waters or high criminal activity are common. Neither of these apply to The Bahamas, if there is high smuggling activities, it is being monitored by the joint US Coast Guard, Bahamas & TC Defense Force coordination.
This is basic harassment of a valuable income resource for short term, immediate financial gain; not too different than charging high DutyTax plus a high VATTax. Eventually resource do not return or the overtaxed bite back... think 1776.
Wealthy Americans have no problem spending money when they know it is required, they hate being nickle-&-dime'd by opportunist officials with unregulated undeclared fees... that's graft & 3rd World thinking... remember Venezuela, Cuba & DR once happy cruising fishing destinations, no more.

DiverBelow says...

Why spend money, when government is as interested in cleaning the area up as Equinor.
With enough time the ferns & vegetation will cover it all from sight. Out of sight out of mind is as most governments handle such issues. Oil seeping into groundwater? 'No one here to drink from a well.'
It will get very interesting when in next year's dry season, the bush starts to burn & the oiled ground ignites with no stopping it till all the oil is burned off. 'Just spray it down' with the oily ground water!! Or saltwater.'

DiverBelow says...

It should be interesting to see if Mr.Soon-Shiong will be interested without the aragonite mining or free/cheap property aspects...i.e.: I get the land free & I sell whats below it with only the Excavating/Sifting as overhead. Cant argue with those margins! Will Bahama Rock etc accept a competitor? Will Bahamians agree to shipping out their island, piece by piece?
It is a renewalble resource, only in geologic time.

DiverBelow says...

This North Andros Green Free Trade Zone is most certainly a fools pipe dream, things to consider:
1. How can you expect to change the high volume natural tidal flow of the North West Passage area between Andros & Chub Cay, this with no ramifications to North Andros & The Berrys? Water moves where ever it wants.
2. The volume of rock-fill to create this North Andros barrier island & port for the purpose of aragonite mining will come from where?
3. The aragonite market is low, this is why the mine project south of Cat Cay went bust.
4. Most importantly, why reinvent the wheel in N Andros, one that you already have in Freeport? Invest in GB, where you already have the infrastructure, airports, homes & people. Is it because you are not getting cooperation from GBPA? or because these advantages are more expensive than starting from scratch in N Andros, where you may convince govt to give away loads of property for a little cash & a half-hearted dream?
Bahamians are tired of half hearted dreams, the land is scarred with many.
5. Another selling of Bahamas' valued resources, their actual islands. Whats next their kids?

DiverBelow says...

Since conch larvae young float in the currents for their early months. Here is a surface currents map indicating how important that breeding stock is to half of the Bahamas,…
It also shows how these will take any Oil Spill to the same areas.…
Don't screw around with Mother Nature, she has a mean temper!

On Conch thriving on remote Cay Sal Bank

Posted 17 June 2020, 5:20 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Well, this Bahamian investor has made it painfully obvious what he values in The Bahamas, certainly not the magical waters & unique marine ecology, another $$$ worshiping individual willing to make money over protecting what YOU have for your grandchildren!
Must have been on another planet when the BP Horizon sank. Lets hope this endeavor follows the Cuban/Chinese experience as a dry hole, there is a reason the drillers are called Wildcat Gamblers. Let the world know who he/they are, he deserves the notoriety.