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DiverBelow says...

Quit talking, send $1 to Hutchison Whampoa for a yearly lease & take over the airport.
You are a government, so act like one that recognizes when an organization is operating in a manner harmful to your nation's economy & people. No need to use the military's new firepower. China will not intercede, (remember Grenada?)

Any worthy interested foreign investor will understand.

This will send the message to PA principals to act or loose it!

On This airport is just a bad joke

Posted 28 February 2020, 12:27 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Does this mean the consumer has % ownership of the poles & new wires in the distribution network he is paying for? Can't repair a broken pole, its replaced with a new one.
If yes, then this time next year Emera must rent my poles & wires that I have paid for. PS: Wont be a cheap rental !!!
If public is paying for the repairs to poles & wires, then that % is public owned; a LONG roundabout way to make the utilities public.

DiverBelow says...

Not to minimize the complaint against slow government actions.
There are some common sense matters in this reoccurring cause-effect situation.

Queens Cove would not be prone to such common devastating flooding if the natural tidal flow & small boat traffic was allowed thru a free-flowing waterway at the Fishing Hole causeway, which the Port will not allow due to fear of mud/sand filling in their port water depths. All ports in the world require periodic dredging. The new bridge should have been higher, future ones must be.

Water will always seek a path of least resistance, when that is not available it will stack up & overflow everything in it's way. The natural tidal "creeks" (like Fishing Hole) we commonly see throughout the island chain are pressure relief valves (as you have on your water heater) to prevent massive flooding when storms come by. The more you have the safer you are.
'Granted, the situation with Dorian's slow pace, amount of wind & rain, caused havoc on the existing cross-island waterway & thus would have done the same with Queens Cove.

Reclaimed land from dredging canals & waterways, such as Queens Cove, must also be built up with adequate height above the normal high water levels. In the 1960's seawall height of 4-5' was considered appropriate. With the advent of Climate Change this has to change also, as Miami Beach & Fort Lauderdale are facing right now, at a cost of multiple billions.

DiverBelow says...

If you want an improvement in service, quit making payments for said service until the service improves.
Make your service payments to an escrow account marshaled by a consortium of attorneys/accountants (local bar& chamber?) that historically are quick to comment but not to act. Lets see where their actions are instead of their cheap talk.
Pursue writs to Stop the Export of funds by the owners till an action plan is established & initiated.
Freeporters are fearful of being individually singled out by PA, power & water cut offs. Well Dorian did the same & you survived because you worked together for a cause, survival.
What is different with these bullies & thugs? Money is all they understand, government is too easily influenced by it to act.

On 'Strange message from company town owners'

Posted 13 February 2020, 12:53 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

the best alarm system is a dog! They not only provide some security but also plenty of loyalty & love to your family, can a security system provide that? NO.
Oh sure, they require attention & feeding, something every child benefits from, taking the responsibility of loving & gaining the Pride of a Well Trained Dog who is part of the loving family unit.
Yes, more effort than turning on a Switch or an App.
Responsibility for a dog is also a positive humane replacement for the common FEAR of Dogs by many Bahamian Children.

On Companies urge homeowners to invest in alarms

Posted 9 February 2020, 11:16 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Are you mad because of the prominent prevailing theft? or angry because you missed the opportunity?
A third World Country is determined by the amount of corruption that prevails; small payouts, friendly adjustments, family favors or blatant payoffs to officials... all a reflection on the professed Christian Society & Country. Thank God for Mr. Bastian, now support his efforts right up to prosecution.

On Court audit uncovered payments changes

Posted 7 February 2020, 2:32 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Wonder how much US$ are being taken out of Freeport by the principals in GPA & HW instead of Bah$, this nations legal currency? Ever wonder how much GPA contributes to Bahama Govt. coffers?
What happened to clarity & transparency? Many govt.s have come & gone on that one.

DiverBelow says...

Please make this Independent Gentleman the next Prime Minister, with the members of the Good Governance NGO as his cabinet.
There would be a future in which All Bahamians could be proud!

No one would object. Only known comfortable Do-Nothing politicians, union leaders & similar civilian parasites who ruin countries of the world by Dumbing-Down-The-Populous would object... look at the education levels of the average citizen in 3rd world countries vs 1st & 2nd world countries.

On Bahamians trapped in 'double dependency'

Posted 21 January 2020, 1:04 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Please make this Independent gentleman the next Prime Minister, with the members of the Good Governance NGO as his cabinet. There would be a future in which all Bahamians could be proud.
Except the politicians, union leadership & do-nothings who ruin the countries of the world by Dumbing Down The Populous would object..

On Bahamians trapped in 'double dependency'

Posted 21 January 2020, 12:52 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

What is the problem?
1. Lack of classrooms? Children can be taught in any structure that is out of the elements & has adequate facilities. Empty storefront? turn it into a classroom.
2. Lack of teachers? Not according to this person.
3. Lack of qualified teachers? If they received a degree from an accredited institution, they should be able to teach. Quality teachers is another matter, one of management.
4. Lack of Curriculum? This is a Departmental problem.
5. Lack of Supplies? Again, this is a Departmental problem.
6. Lack of Funding? How much salary does the department ministers/administrative heads account for? What percent is allocated to teachers?
7. Is the system top-heavy, too many supervisors not enough indians? A Management of Department problem.
8. Schools in disrepair? A Management of Department problem. Trace the funds.

- Substitutes are VERY expensive babysitters, they cost time that is lost to the student as well as society, who must deal with poorly trained workers.
- What about all the highly educated individuals abroad who's education was provided by government? Equal time working within the government systems in exchange for an education program? Oh that sounds like colonialism. How is THIS system of Brain Drain working out for you?