Comment history

DiverBelow says...

Equinor has cleaned up what they consider valuable... their oil & fuel.
Do not expect them to voluntarily continue to spend money unless forced by Government. It is hard to be forceful when your hand is out for charitable relief. The truth of the matter is that if you showed value to the environment, you would receive more assistance.
By the way, the cooler the ambient the easier to clean up the oil. Summer comes quickly.

DiverBelow says...

I find it impossible to think that in the interest of time to efficiently remove debris & rebuilding of infrastructure, the stakeholders are not documenting everything by photos & videos, after all every cell phone has that capacity. Even laser measurements & documentation is available.
Adding to the challenges are the ability to produce documents when your house is gone!
Then the conveniently slow process of assessment of Damage by Wind or Water? Heart wrenching negotiations of actual value & determination of real cost for repairs today vs 6 months back when there were many contractors available. Ultimately will the mortgage bank release the funds or write off your home?
In FL after Wilma, my insurance offered me $1500 for roof repair when the actual repair was $18,000. There the Regulators were watching ALL parties, is that what is happening in The Bahamas?

DiverBelow says...

It is time that Freeport be run as many towns/cities of the world are, with an elected leadership representing the licensees. i.e.: the governed drive the government, the economy steers the direction... The days of Freeport as a Company Town (directed by a minority group/family) is long gone, as a teenager must learn to manage their own feet & hormones, so must a community learn how to grow without Mother Nassau impeding as many a helicopter (over protective) parent must release their children.

DiverBelow says...

I would believe it has more to do with weather & traffic controllers than lights. Many a commercial aircraft has taken off from an unlit runway, it is the landing that is best with some illumination. I also tend to believe that the processing of passengers may have taken the take-off time past dusk.

On Freeport 'strangled' by night flying woe

Posted 25 December 2019, 11:15 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Anyone who believes corruption is a victim-less crime or accept it as a pay-to-play requirement are ignorant to the devaluation of the country & culture as a whole, the government as a credible governance agency & the individuals as greedy thieves in another Third World Country.
For any investor, N.G.O. or individual spending their time & treasure, corruption cost is funding that is not available for their contribution to the community & economy.
An ugly sore on the face of a nation, irrelevant of their relationship with the US, look at the company your keeping, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, or Haiti & Venezuela as ultimate examples.
After Dorian, You have experienced how the world values The Bahamian People.
Show your true christianity by condemning the practice, by anyone.
be proud bahamians.

On ‘Put up or shut up’ on corruption claim

Posted 20 December 2019, 11:40 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

No country is alone in this matter. If the mexicans & central americans left the US tomorrow the agricultural, manufacturing & services would halt along with the economy. If the Hatians left The Bahamas en mass, the contribution to the economy would be quite evident & lacking.
The concerns of a country being overrun by a larger population is real in both cases.

The simple process of 2 year Guest Workers with designated IDs per industry, a manageable yearly quota, application process for citizenship (if wanted) & managed with severe penalties for corruption, would minimize the issues in both countries.
Look south to T&C, they recognized the need for foreign workers & investors to advance their country beyond Mere Sustenance. Once managed properly, it afforded them opportunity & economy. One does not loose their sovereignty nor identity with guest-workers, only fill in the recognized skill gaps.
Key words are Management & Non-Corrupted, otherwise immigration is a convenient political football.

DiverBelow says...

To Naughtydread, you statement "Why would any government in their right mind spend millions of dollars to try and fix a desolate rock in the middle of the ocean that produces 0 for our GDP....." This is an interesting statement made by a fellow Bahamian to a fellow Bahamian's need. It only takes one building to be a clinic & school for small populated islands, it can even be the government/post office.
Wonder why people in the US & other international givers did not take that same 'desolate rocks in the middle of the ocean' perspective with GB & Abaco? Why not? Because they are practicing the morals as Human Beings taught by their respective religions. When your neighbor is in need, help them out as you can.
Your comment only reinforces the 'land-crabs in a bucket' analogy. Or possibly They Value what-we-have more than We?

DiverBelow says...

So how many Nassau'vians are going to give up their air conditioners to go to work in Abacos' restorations? Living in on-site tents, community kitchens & bath houses?
The Haitian/Bahamian born community would provide this manpower in exchange for registration/temporary work permits, provided there is a means to legitimate residency status in their adopted land.
The government must consider all available resources & recourse, national & international, to rebuild Dorian's devastation.
You must lead to the Objective, not igniting old political fires for political gain.

On Bran: Give short-term provisional status

Posted 24 September 2019, 1:48 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

... and the country wants to encourage Foreign Investments? As my Mother berated me while a teenager 'Clean up Your Room first! Then clean up the World' An effective US phone service campaign, is based on Not Accepting 'Good Enough'.
It should be our mantra for the next 10 years. It is is most difficult to seek professionalism when all you can see is mediocrity for miles, from who you know, not what..
Can't Cook without any Heat.

DiverBelow says...

Stoped in International Waters, intended destination? It's from where they started from prior to being caught. If it was Cuba, they go back to Cuba. If Mexico, they go back to Mexico. If DR, they go back to DR. The operator of the vessel is always retained, irrelevant of nationality.

On 10 Haitian migrants intercepted at sea

Posted 7 July 2019, 3:25 p.m. Suggest removal