Comment history

DiverBelow says...

If the public education system will not educate, then the business community must! Get off your arses & demand that govt. allow teachers to teach & get politics out of education.
How far will $210/wk or ($5.25/hr) go today? This is not the 1980's, add 35 years + transport cost + 30% customs + VAT to that, you may be closer to today's actual cost of living.
It's no wonder the youth turn to drug/money/guns/people running. No need for reading or writing in those industries!

DiverBelow says...

Banking & Finance has NEVER been an industry with much Common Sense, only Greed & Opportunism. Now the Insurance Companies are adding financing to their portfolios.

DiverBelow says...

Smaller Inns, Boutique Hotels, Bed &Breakfast's, as well as Family Run Small Restaurants and Art Events are the vehicles for integrating the visitor into one's culture.
President Obama ate at a family run one-room restaurant in Cuba & loved it (no room for media & onlookers). Look at the Food-Truck phenomenon & events in Florida... low cost, maximum fun.

Governments providing incentives to local/foreign financial institutions to provide low-interest business loans would allow these to happen in Nassau, Freeport & Family Islands, to the benefit of all involved... cronies included.

DiverBelow says...

Governments are best to Plan, Monitor & Regulate, Not to Do!!
Inefficiencies & bureaucracy will ensure high cost or possible failure. Politics will guarantee it.

On BEC breaches $100m bond issue conditions

Posted 14 April 2016, 2:56 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Common cost of doing business in 3rd world countries like Haiti, Venezuela. Combined with the crime situation, We have reached that pinnacle!

DiverBelow says...

Any wonder why US investors are reluctant? Wonder why European & Asian investors are slow, they are somewhat accustomed to some level of corruption?

On US warning over govt corruption

Posted 14 April 2016, 2:12 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

How can the govt. expect MSC/Hutchison Whampoa to make a decision when they (the govt.) have not fulfilled the #1 issue... A decision on Hawksbill Creek? Cart before the horse never works!

On Gov’t pushing MSC, Hutchison on MoU

Posted 14 April 2016, 12:34 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Greatly appreciated gift for much needed education.
In the old days diving in West End, the thick lipped Queen conch were left alone. They were old, the meat tough & grey, after all those years of pushing that Big Thick-Lipped Nasty Algae covered Shell around, must be some 20-30 years old at least! Lets get the Clean Thin-Lip Rollers with large milky meat and then sell the shell!!...

Unknown to us those were the mature breeders! We were practicing good management & did not know it! The Thick-Lip ones bred many many times a year & produced young conch year after year after year.
Why can we not do the same now?
Leave the Thick lip conch alone... more than 1/4" thick Lip? leave it alone!... a simple piece of plastic with 1/4" gap will work as a convenient gauge to measure.

On $50,000 grant to protect conch

Posted 7 March 2016, 5:05 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

If the 'report' has indicated certain policy changes that are beneficial to Freeport, Why is it that GBPA has not moved towards implementing such items on their own? After all it is their position to manage & operate Freeport. Showing some leadership & capacity at this time would be a most beneficial public relations effort on the part of the owners. Yet we hear nothing.
Are the beneficiaries circling the wagons because the indians are in sight, protecting their backs before finding common ground?

DiverBelow says...

Looks like we have Banana Republic ethics at it's best.
There is certainly need for Freedom of Information Act for all government decisions.
The real danger is in having an act with no teeth, everyone is still awaiting the Financial Statements from members of Parliament from many years back and that is the Law.
I am entertained by the lack of remorse, 'just business as usual' no matter the colour of shirt or skin.
Next thing we will need to carry $20 in our drivers license/passports, in case our papers are checked... Venezuela/Cuba here we come.