Comment history

DiverBelow says...

Let's see a copy of the agreement. Post signage review is better than no review. BEC or BPL are owned/supported directly & indirectly by the people.

On Approval is given to new manager of BEC

Posted 5 February 2016, 12:23 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

That fast ferry will be used for running Ft. Lauderdale to Havana Cuba in the near future as Havana will not deal with Miami, only Tampa & other ports. Too bad desperate politicians can't see a 'temporary alternative' sign placed on their heads of agreement. How about promoting a Havana, Bimini, Port Everglades route? The damage is done, lets think logically... something new for politicians.

DiverBelow says...

The old adage of 'Beware of strangers bearing gifts' is becoming very clear.
One only has to Google 'Chinese construction fiasco's' to get a perspective & pattern to their business-as-usual methods.
It is understandable to want to initiate another local project to keep the imported employees &/or equipment local & operational. It is the method of strong-arming the client and government by slowing down the incomplete present job (BahaMar) as leverage for the second job (The Point). There is the real crime... or is it the collusion & whitewashing of such actions?

DiverBelow says...

Everyone is awaiting the actions of the 'Master group', be it a puppet master, slave master or political master. As underscored in The French and American Revolutions, the real Power Is In The People, they allow the presence of 'Masters', no matter their color or country of origin!. Performance Counts... Don't like what the masters are doing... out! Let another do better... if not better?... OUT! Find another...
That is Democracy!, not apathy by selling votes on Election Day & continuous complaints.
If you do not have a solution find one, the world is full of examples.

On Port buyer offered to sell Gov’t 51%

Posted 30 October 2015, 1:20 p.m. Suggest removal