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Donnaree says...

Desmond Bannister have his head in the sand. Abaco and then Grand Bahama has the best building contractor in the whole Bahamas. The majority of our builders took extra percussions to make those buildings even stronger. I believe that's why many were left standing and those that did gone took a long time to go, to be batted by hurricane Dorian for such a long time it's a miracle anything were left standing. The inspectors knew their jobs but they can honestly say the builders/contractors thought them a few things themselves. Now am not talking about the Haitians communities in the Mudd, Pigeon Peas or Sand banks because those people used to build their houses in one night without any regards of our Laws nor building codes.
Those insurance company violating and destroying people's life all over again. We are all under heavy stress and uncertainties. These people are heartless! Let's see what's going to happen when the shoes on the other foot because believe you me no one is exempt from the rap of wrath of God.

On GB and Abaco homes 'failed building code'

Posted 20 October 2019, 3:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Donnaree says...

You'll who's talking really don't know the Abacoians they are a resilient set of people. The Abacos will bounce back quicker than you all think. I tell you that. But yes I agree don't start borrowing no money from China or else where yet. And according to what I've heard about the insurance collected on those government buildings, government has enough to repair all of them. Stop burdening the Bahamian people down with debt!

On 'Don't spend before necessary' on Dorian

Posted 12 October 2019, 9:22 a.m. Suggest removal

Donnaree says...

You'll who talking really don't know the Abacoians they are a resilient set of people. The Abacos will bounce back quicker than you all think. I tell you that. But yes I agree don't start borrowing no money from China or else where yet. And according to what I've heard about the insurance collected on those government buildings, government has enough to repair all of them. Stop burdening the Bahamian people down with debt!

On 'Don't spend before necessary' on Dorian

Posted 12 October 2019, 9:21 a.m. Suggest removal

Donnaree says...

You are right. A bunch of incompetent people running our government. All want to be boss and none want to serve. Hey, don't you'll know? You are all servants to the Bahamian people!

Donnaree says...

You are right. There is no police or defends force officers station in Dundas or Murphy Town. Just the other day a passer by caught looter stealing out a home in Dundas Town, the person said God only knows what else they had carried before he came upon them. These thrives have no gall. It is in the day the looting is going on. Dames please get your act together because we all know how you all plays the system. If the lil chief knows the big chief is going to be in town , things are vamped up! Or made to look that way.

Donnaree says...

Wonderful response to the racist card. But the implications was that the Haitians are here in Abaco because the Caucasian brought them in Abaco for cheap Labor many years back and now it's hard to get them out. Only a small group of them was allowed to stay on the land then like sardines and wild fire they smeared all over the place. As for the immigration office being across from da Mudd, it started from the heads in Nassau. Those corrupt officials in the immigration department and those three old heads that minded the port of entry now for decades,suspicious. Hey, why they hasn't been retired as yet? And you are right God give this Bahama land to us just like he gave the children of Israel their land and none other should take this land away from us. God has spoken in action and next time he just might wipe us of the map. Take heed Prime Minister!

Donnaree says...

Who would have known that rough cypress was duty free. Most builders is not aware. The Government should implement a website just for builders and owners alike to view before they build since we are building now for a cat 5 . Not only that we need the best materials but the most effective and efficient. Wonderful story.

On ‘My category five house survived’

Posted 9 October 2019, 9:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Donnaree says...

And who would have known that rough Cypress was duty free. This is a next thing that our government needs to supply a list of duty free materials to persons who are going to build. Most builders can't recommend duty free materials to their clients if they are not aware . Wonderful story.

On ‘My category five house survived’

Posted 9 October 2019, 9:09 p.m. Suggest removal

Donnaree says...

I agree a hundred percent, Dames should resign! From day one when he got that position he called the orders over every department of Law enforcement in the Government. He was spiteful and vindictive to those he had personal problems with. And this is what you all call a leader? Poor! Now, just because they didn't tell him how much boots on ground was to be in Abaco he's upset. man, stop being petty and do your job. In addition any high ranking law enforcement official such as you think yourself to be will have ordered more defends force seasoned officers than those young officers that just graduated and has never experienced such disasters in their young life. Don't get me wrong they are our strong young handsome men that was toughly trained to handle anything but for their first experience, most of them was surely unprepared and found themselves doing many different task that was not apart of their portfolio. Even a soldier stated that in all his deployment, in many different country war zones he has never seen anything like what he's seen in Abaco. Dames having Knowledge of the devastation should have ordered additional security for the island especially after most of the inhabitants vacant ed. Focus not only should have been on himself but the homes and people's personal property. The looting started immediately after hurricane. No local law enforcement officers to protect you. Very Bad! And our borders was wide open. No consideration for our national security. Dames stop talking nonsense and get more boots on the ground. The looters don't come in the night they comes in the day where they can see to pass over the broken glass, wires and poles, the debris. I applaud our Defend force officers because I know it wasn't easy. And the conditions you all had to live under was not becoming but it also tells the story to all the world that you all are quite able to meet the challenge and comes out conquerors. A big shout out to you guys and all the other law enforcement axillaries and the FBI,
Jamaican Army and our neighbouring caribbean islands We appreciate you!

Donnaree says...

No disrespect but where was the BCC when the
Bahamians needed a voice to speak out and up for them? The Bishop talking about our Prime Minister's kicking in a door to an unoccupied house in a shanty town that was illegally constructed in the first place! Where was your voice or where is your voice even now as we the Abacoians that are still displaced bouncing from house to house. Being told that the department of Social Services is no longer giving us any more food voucher. Bishop where is your voice when the shelters were and still is at a overflow with to many people until it's stifling. Why you or your executive team did not order or requested the churches to assist us? Not just a hand full churches that we we thank God for, and the various international charity groups that quickly came to our aid. May the Lord forever blessed you all, for not only that you spoken about helping your fellow men but you have lived it. Bishop, God has spoken. Please take heed Bahamas for next time it just might not be No bahamas!!!!!