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DontAssume says...

I absolutely agree with you there are "bullies/misfits/criminals" and as ConcernedCitizen stated the Police Force like other government organizations, as well as private entities, is a microcosm of our society--In my opinion, the bulk of the Bahamian populace is law defiant. So, of course, there will be lawless individuals as members of law enforcement. My problem with this guy's comments is that it fuels an erroneous narrative because of its a generalized statement/accusation and not an opinion--he asserts that because he and some others he knew did foolishness that all did/does.

On ‘Police beat suspects? Ridiculous’

Posted 28 June 2019, 7:57 a.m. Suggest removal

DontAssume says...

I totally agree with Maynard on this statement he made:

“Until Bahamians get together and stop this red and yellow and green and say we ain’t taking this bull, we going to Bay Street and when they see 50,000 people downtown, they’ll say they serious now.”

This party affiliated acceptance of how varying governments handle our country's business is appalling...the number of power outages is ridiculous, and we seem to be sitting, complaining, but not acting. I'm researching options that can be pursued in light (no pun intended) of BPL's poor service, especially being a customer that honors my 50% of the contract between BPL and myself--by paying my bill on time, and in full...but BPL is not honoring their 50% which is to provide reliable/commendable service.

DontAssume says...

Baha Mar will be lit up..because they were diligent with their investigations into this country's sub-par customer service in every service area imaginable, and have a generator farm for the inevitable reality we are experiencing with BPL and their load-shedding BS.

DontAssume says...

Without a shadow of a doubt this former officer is speaking to what HE knows—acts he has committed, incidents which he may be aware of; but, he can’t generalize his illegal behavior as a law enforcement officer and that of other misfits, and assert it as the norm. I am a former police officer and never falsified a report nor sent an innocent individual to prison…and I only speak for myself but must trust that there are other honorable officers (past and present) like myself. I will never make excuses for, nor do I condone illegal behavior by law enforcement…no matter how difficult and lawless the populace it is sworn to serve and protect may be, and the majority of the Bahamian populace is lawless (illegal appropriation, white/blue color and serious crimes, as well as traffic offenses). The narrative from the public and criminal element will always portray law enforcement poorly; however, most of us, are never honest with what the problem truly is, which is our lawlessness as a nation. Where this lawlessness stems from is debatable but curtailing and eradicating the bulk of this lawless behavior is imperative in regaining a little control on crime in our country. No organization is free of misfits and unsavory characters, but I do have faith that our police force is not as lawless as our general population—because if you believe this gentleman’s statements and attributed to all of our police officers (past and present), no professional policing is done…which is unequivocally not true.

On ‘Police beat suspects? Ridiculous’

Posted 27 June 2019, 1:44 p.m. Suggest removal

DontAssume says...

I’m truly disgusted by a great deal that is posted here…because of the political BS that is spewed. What about the families? Are you CRAZY!? A plan is enacted to save 1, 000,000/yr which when really scrutinized is an average $ 83, 333/yr to 12 individuals which are comprised of perks—because those 12 nonessential positions came with darn benefits on top of salaries. What about those families? What about the families/individuals presently suffering hardship in this country, and if the economic landscape is not corrected, will be facing worst in the future? This country is in trouble and all the majority of you do is post your politically-affiliated BS (and do so trying to appear impartial/caring for this country); I can care less about party, we need active and sustainable solutions.

On Overseas staff savings net $1m

Posted 18 July 2017, 8:32 p.m. Suggest removal

DontAssume says...

I’m not one that advocates throwing around mud; to me right is right, and wrong is wrong—this moral fiber is absent in our Bahamian society. It is evident that Mr. Ash is complicit in the wrongdoings that transpired in this matter, and honestly it is irrelevant who the mastermind was. I don’t think Mr. Ash went out of his way to offer money to Mr. Dorsett initially in order to gain a more favorable consideration with regards to securing this contract. I do believe he was awarded the contract however, with the anticipation of monies being conferred inevitably, which would constitute a class B felony. The exacerbating charge in this entire matter is “Extortion”, which was done through the solicitation of bribes. So, I understand this to mean Mr. Dorsett obtained these “bribes” from Mr. Ash by force or threats….therefore in light of this revelation; Mr. Ash should’ve reported the matter once first approached—if the contract was a standard and fairly gained one, but we know it was not. To all the PLP-pundits, Mr. Ash's time before the courts is need to be impatient.

DontAssume says...

What’s unbelievable is that each of you the voters….whom are truly the Official Opposition to any horrendous governing party—is trying to decipher and argue as to who is a good leader or not. Tribal-Political support has placed us in the position we find ourselves as a nation, and Tribal-Political support will keep us in this state for ages to come. FNMs are no better than PLPs, so until we—as voters, elect the best candidates; and not a party….not a thing will change. This country needs an overhaul! Starting with the populace’s mindset—some applaud the foolishness these seven has undertook; others see the PLP being re-elected after the havoc and disaster they have covered our country with, because of some self-serving coup (Just darn right unbelievable).

DontAssume says...

Obviously; YOU--PLP buffoon did not read the 5th post in response to this story. As much as YOU and ALL the other PLP-mongers refuse to accept or come to terms with; this PLP government is on borrowed time. I at this point can care less about what was afforded Sarkis...what is atrocious and unforgiving is the PLP's callous actions and tactics negatively impacting Bahamians and the Bahamas as a Nation.

On Proposal is submitted by Baha Mar buyer

Posted 28 November 2016, 11:13 p.m. Suggest removal

DontAssume says...

$52,000 per annum, for part-time employees....god nabbit!!!!!

On PAC report slams Urban Renewal

Posted 3 November 2016, 2:19 p.m. Suggest removal

DontAssume says...

It seriously bothers me; the lack of appreciation, and assistance given to some federations to manage this country’s national programs (mandated by the BOC) to represent The Bahamas at the International Level. But, we read stories such as this, with spending of such a magnitude for face-lifting of a venue to host another country’s event. The façade of boosting the economy is simple foolishness; when your own is not taken care of in return. All national teams, with the exception of Track and Field, are treated as a step-child or nonentity, but an $800, 000 facelift is affordable…whilst some of your national teams are not assisted financially whatsoever.