Comment history

DreamerX says...


DreamerX says...

I agree wholeheartedly. We have become quick to point out failings of officer's performing their duty while becoming irate when officers are performing their duties on us or people we know.

I rather officers bruise up and disabuse all underage belligerents (especially in school uniform on or off campus) than to know another student was killed in a fight.

DreamerX says...

I'm sorry, this may sound heartless. However, the pity parties from Hurricane Matthew and prior, Joaquin need to stop. People need to get their plans in order, it may suck but don't get on the nipple of social welfare too long. Struggle forward. Do not be content.

On Red Cross assistance draws long lines

Posted 1 November 2016, 3:45 p.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

Public office is not a God Given right to make a private opinion known. Are you even a functioning adult, to even assert such an inane concept?

On Activist says Pinder comments inappropriate

Posted 27 October 2016, 9:57 a.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

The union is just trying to take a stab to remain relevant.

This was the worst storm in maybe a decade to make a direct hit on New Providence.

And maybe in your backwards views you just pull in several people with out proper contracts, experience or health status information to verify these "retired" persons remain able to perform such actions. What of the insurance of the persons and the private vehicles? BPL has been determined to remove the backwards idea of undocumented/uncontrolled uses of persons or private property in their operations. What the union is complaining about, is that their old union members now hungry from the buffet of benefits they received while at BEC are all pissy they don't get to get a piece of this Mathew recovery pie. And when an incident occurred with the above suggestions, he would then have slammed BPL for not proceeding properly. The union have become anathema to progress.

DreamerX says...

The point can be distilled of the hate, and be understood that to some extent the local skilled industries must be protected due to the investments it takes to achieve membership by a comparatively less skilled local skill pool. Thus opening up items to more global sources can destroy a local industry or allow foreign controls through more of a skill pool and leave the country in a poverty of skill if those international skilled labour sourced lose profitability.

DreamerX says...

Mr. Miller and his many sons would hate this, they have a legion of illegitimate children to continue fostering! Legacy by numbers.

DreamerX says...

He isn't wrong. It's just too close to other despicable practices and calls to questions how can the process of selection be truly fair and can a permanent thing be justified if we allow people who commit themselves heinous crimes a set amount of's tough to swallow.

Legalizing abortion with ease of access is a better alternative. There are purported studies showing some correlation between the prevalence of abortion clinics to the overall reduction in crime with some communities receiving a spike.

DreamerX says...

Supposedly the delegates listed before the final list of changes before the convention.

DreamerX says...

Just preferred to have a snappy little post instead of reading the article huh?