Comment history

DreamerX says...

He isn't wrong. It's just too close to other despicable practices and calls to questions how can the process of selection be truly fair and can a permanent thing be justified if we allow people who commit themselves heinous crimes a set amount of's tough to swallow.

Legalizing abortion with ease of access is a better alternative. There are purported studies showing some correlation between the prevalence of abortion clinics to the overall reduction in crime with some communities receiving a spike.

DreamerX says...

Supposedly the delegates listed before the final list of changes before the convention.

DreamerX says...

Just preferred to have a snappy little post instead of reading the article huh?

DreamerX says...

You are quite unbearable.

DreamerX says...

Get out your tinfoil gents

DreamerX says...

Sealy is a crook and a cheater. Careful who you take pictures with gents.

DreamerX says...

Leslie Miller has always been critical of his own party but doesn't seem as if he is making a move to the FNM?

DreamerX says...

Dr. Rollins appeared to be a good devil's advocate within the plp and fierce opposition member with the fnm but now it's becoming pedantic. Stay on point, get something done move on and attack the next issue. Not shoot every single criticism and hope one of the comparatively smaller items sticks? I expect this talk from Dr. Minnis and older politicians but you were supposed to be a new generation of productive force...not this mouth piece of FNM opposition issues. Your western taught form of logic and reasoning while it is well formed, falls on deaf ears of the majority. As much as you climb in a opposite side of the torrential rain of talking that is Fred Mitchell's intelligent but mostly vapid commentary, the only difference is that you have no done anything but've become a horn for whoever is in your sights, but like once your attention shifts, where is your follow through? You can't be the new wave of politicians and want to beat everything that you see could have built inroads and been known for sparking change but you wanted to create a blaze, and like BAMSI, you will be forgotten. Mr. FalseStart of change, holding to antiquated ignorant bigotry and purporting new wave ideas through changing your cloak and saying fancy words, you are not of my generation. You are a false positive, please stick to fixing mouths, and not using yours to cast doubt on my generations political potential.

DreamerX says...

BEC has ran on a consistent loss for the past 4-5 years. Fuel costs are not largest expense. it is the largest P&L item due to presentation. Fixed Assets and non-write off but functionally written off assets understate expenses.

On Miller: BPL deal was a mistake

Posted 17 June 2016, 10:19 a.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...


Mr D’Aguilar provides no real data to support his claims...has he released financials? Does he understand what a depression is? Has he taken into consideration his own cut throat tactics in attempting to dominate the market rather than compete? Please do not speak as if you care about the economy. You make a statement that continuous reinvestment in a slow growing market causes lower returns, in particular cannibalism of your existing location sales but you say it as if it's the government's fault, your over expanded locations and attempts at monopolizing a 'need' as you put it has hit it's realistic growth margins.