Comment history

DreamerX says...

What are you talking about? Positive Bahamian Collective Group Think? What did you smash together buzz words?

DreamerX says...

She got too biggety too fast? I supposed she was supposed to wait for 10 years as the lapdogs of people she felt need to turn over the reigns years ago?

DreamerX says...

The sad part about your post is that whether she was bad mouthing or not, she was bad mouthing to her peers. That's internal drama that every group, company, party has and to act like it's such a bad thing is to show ignorance of inner workings of groups or decided head turning to the truth of life.

She whether selfishly or not, was seeking to create change in a fumbling, tumbling FNM party. I'm not sure on her views, but whenever I see a party try to shame a member out of it's ranks through these type of actions, it's the fear of being exposed to people breaking their comfy establishment.

DreamerX says...

The sad part I see here in these comments is that people are upset she is saying what she is saying. Ever thought what she was saying is true?

Are you all embroiled in this idea of party unity over being realistic? Maybe I missed something she said that was considered bad. But even if so, the same people who were acclaiming Rollins for speaking out are telling Roll to be quiet. Anything to beat the PLP? Even just becoming the opposite side of the same coin? Political integrity has been entombed in self interest and all I see here are people fighting for the self interest of politicians over the future of the country.

DreamerX says...

I'm sorry. I hate that this happened, but "They didn't give me a reason"?

Those officers used unnecessary force however the young man was stopped, received clear instruction and then decided he would rather defy the instruction. I could understand if he mentioned that the officers were in plain clothes or he could not identify them but he is 30-60% responsible given what is disclosed from the young man. It is noted that the gent believes from his observation there was an ongoing hunt for someone else and he was caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time and that's saddening. But given my experiences with police being overly aggressive pointing guns and even being quite abusive in their original approach, I do not know the nerve of attempting to flee. Maybe I am a weaker man at heart and am afraid to defy authority...but I can't reconcile the risk of fleeing from cops.

This seems indicative of a mistrust of police officers by my fellow youth. I see so much hate toward "crooked police" all the time but these same gents also have a friend who is a cop they ask/pay for favors. The duality!

On Man paralysed after being shot by police

Posted 11 May 2016, 12:37 p.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

We can deduce that Leslie Miller supports the removal of sterile men and women along with anyone who is past virility without producing heirs!

Since if we tie the value of life in so called "Christian" terms, without producing children, we are shams.

Mr. Miller calls for God to come now and end the world.

I wonder if his son's several illegitimate kids are an act of tribute to daddy. Because his line is producing children. The true purpose of the followers of Christ.

The sad part is, I like Mr. Miller's seeming honesty, as it let's it be understood who you are talking to. Whether he sounds like a fool or not, I respect his ignorance. However I find that his views are too similar to the likes of Martin Ssempa.

On Miller: Exile transgenders (with audio)

Posted 3 May 2016, 10:55 a.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

Non-Nassau islands also think that, Nassau is the only place where these crimes will it's almost generally agreed lol

DreamerX says...

All is well. Taxi Drivers are the rudest bunch of casual law breakers, right up there with the Jitney drivers.

I'm sorry if after acting as if you own the roads because it's your source of income some of your fellows chose to own the driveways next to lucrative business.

I have no sympathy for this rabble.

I remember when I parked in an unmarked area that was supposedly "known as a taxi parking spot", with no signs or even feint lines on the floor to give a hint, my vehicle was towed by an angry Taxi Driver because I was in his spot. This same man, forgetting me and our argument about how he costed me money parking in an unmarked area, then appears in my clearly marked parking spot in the downtown area some years ago. The joy I expressed in having that taxi towed was paramount. The first wrecker didn't want to tow the vehicle either, because he knew the stand up chap. He tried calling him, to run quick but to no avail.

All this is to say, when Taxi Drivers show an iota of respect for casual road users, I will begin to care about their self established inside rules, that exist in their oligarchical system that is taxi licenses.

DreamerX says...

"Defined Benefit Plans: Employee Contributions (Amendments to IAS 19) was issued on 21 November 2013 and is effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 July 2014."

This is an issue of accounting practices that are more abstract than it seems when you just hear a figure. Let our Bahamian people at least attempt to research issues before they comment...smh.

On BEC: 2013 loss increased to massive $58m

Posted 22 March 2016, 2:54 p.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

I agree with you, it should be legalized. And I deplore anyone using the drug as the reason this story is important for a bad action.

I believe the underlying point is that a corrupt officer of the prisons was either illegally confiscating for person interest or illegally providing an illegal substance to people imprisoned.