Comment history

DreamerX says...

Union call it war when asked to do it's own job. These fat wheel chair warriors couldn't collect the money from the people who they claim to be acting for but blame the hotel. LOL!

DreamerX says...

This union defiles the history of unions. Calling a step of not bearing the cost or time associated with the union demanded fees from it's own members an "all out war"?

These fat men know nothing of war or hardship. This union should be ashamed of it's leaderships acts of entitlement and greed.

And to point fingers in the current Baha Mar issues is childish. The judge spoke and ruled, keep your battles in the court. Only care to speak of laws when they benefit you.

DreamerX says...

Amateurs and sheep will be convinced by this opinion piece. Such letters of goodwill are standard in matters of great weight. If any people in agreement that this is inappropriate, I will ask if you have ever managed a major project or performed conflict resolutions for significant matters in the financial environment.

Keep ya ignorant mindsets, out of the procedural courtesy which effect geopolitical issues.

DreamerX says...

Remember my fellow readers. Whether you agree or disagree with the spin provided by this article, this is more of an opinion piece than a reporting of facts.

So be careful in giving out cheers of "good reporting" as it may help to skew your ability to discern between the two.

DreamerX says...

Simply removing bail is a slippery slope.

DreamerX says...

Well I agree with you for the most part that the report is to highlight all issues. But I've worked in external audit for seven (7) odd years with experience in service, retail, public utilities and several financial institutions. Audit Reports of this nature are supposed to careful and determine the basis of Significant deficiencies or material differences. This is a special case, and this audit is more of an Internal Audit concerned with controls and following proper procedures over the qualitative and quantitative value.

I feel as though this report should not have been released to the public without an addendum or adjacent to each point of weakness/deficiency, with Managements (Governing Body of Urban Renewal) responses as to give the body a full understanding of what the statements are that are being made. And to allow them to formulate responses to accept, retort, explain, etc. While this may have occurred but since it has not been highlighted or mentioned per the new reports, I assume it hasn't I stand by that is a basic requirement in properly finalizing a report of this nature.

So it does warrant being under fire, as it does tarnish trust between donors and the organization. The Auditor General has generated a sterile report without any real attempt to tie in IFRS standards.

DreamerX says...

Oh good sir, I have no problem in respecting this man for standing up for what he believes in. I do have a problem with him however, for using incorrect channels. He had not the right or the position to do what he did.

I stand for what you write, but if you feel Mr. Valdes represents this, then I may be mistaken as to what you mean in your writing. I would not endorse any employee's (non-union sanctioned) action that jeopardizes information of their employer unless protected under the various legislation such as Whistle Blowing, etc.

I have a trade in finance, and I would be a fool to think that if I disclosed information I can believe myself unjustly dismissed.

On Man fired from BAMSI may sue for $100,000

Posted 15 April 2015, 10:08 a.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

Yes, union, get your money quickly. The money grab is on people. Now after all these grubbing fingers are done, we can blame the administration for mismanagement. win-win. We get paid, and we get to blame the debt on the ones paying us!

DreamerX says...

He clearly went against his employers wishes per his contract. That delegation has not "right" as it is being claimed to visit anywhere without approval of those charged with governance or the delegated right to whom they choose. The easiest legal matter here is, whether his phone call was a willful act of insubordination in releasing information not disclosed by a proper officer to the general public. Was it wrong to deny Dr. Minnis? Not by our laws. Was it wrong to communicate your employers information on decisions without proper consent and authorization, by the laws hell yes. Whether political or not, he made a clear violation and in the presence of his coworkers, maybe as some stand against perceived injustice or maybe out of his own pride in he would not be told what to do and not wanting to be blamed. Either way, he committed an against his employers.

All his emotional stress and depression, real or not, is what we call facing the result of your own decisions. I'm sorry if Mr. Valdes, doesn't want to take on the responsibility of his actions, but maybe this spanking will help him grow up.

On Man fired from BAMSI may sue for $100,000

Posted 14 April 2015, 2:08 p.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

Funny how the Carnival detractors, vacated this comment section. It's hard to argue when facts are being used I guess.

On KB criticised over comments on Carnival

Posted 10 April 2015, 1:11 p.m. Suggest removal