Comment history

DreamerX says...

"Sun, Sea and Sand do not cut it"

I agree to an extent. And I believe it can be expanded to, Sun, Sand, Sea and Junkanoo doesn't cut it. Carnival, as an event world wide pulls in visitors. Saying, why not stimulate our only comparative advantage in a market, is telling the bird that it shouldn't clean it wings, because it's not flying as straight anymore. So just learn to run now. And, an event failing, does not mean the intent and the effort was not meritable. It's as if you believe investments are supposed to be guaranteed. There is risk, there is reward, there are losses. Stop thinking like the mindless herd spooked by every bush crack.

On Split over Carnival parade route

Posted 10 April 2015, 12:46 p.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

I find your comments to be off point. Tell me which major event that does not have arguments. conflicts and settlements and I'll explain what you've missed. The only reason we know so much about the issues is because this activity is under heavy scrutiny by the media. Nothing about this event has been scandalous beyond normal business in planning events such as these.

Bahamian people getting ripped off? Explain. Or are we beyond reasoning. If you can't bring a cogent argument up, how can we fix random ramblings?

On Split over Carnival parade route

Posted 10 April 2015, 12:17 p.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

Oh, you may be under the idea that this is not a job/money generating attempt. Which makes me question how you can call them idiots, without understanding the intent. While, a good argument may be made about how to best stimulate our tourism economy growth, speaking as if you want the Government to simply make a new redundant, non-profit generating position so a few people can be employed, you probably don't care beyond shouting feelings about considering how to achieve growth.

On Split over Carnival parade route

Posted 10 April 2015, 12:14 p.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

We entertain them because they offered assistance to budding nations or we had to by the nature of world politics work with the IMF in order to improve international relations. Are you another nationalistic bahamian believing we are a free and clear sovereign nation with the ability to act independently focusing on our own wants? The only nations with the ability are very socialistic and even the closed economy ruralists still depend on international bodies.

DreamerX says...

That sentence made me cringe. What are you even aiming at.

DreamerX says...

This is a true political issue. The anti-gay support to clarify has no weight on, finances, security, happiness, nothing to anyone beyond hate. I do not see the wording that allows such gay rights movement, but if it did, so what? Are so many of you afraid that once it is acceptable to be a gay person in our country, you won't be able to hold back your life long struggle with being in the closet? Or is it anger, that you repressed yourself for a lifetime of shame of what you are, so how dare a new generation be proud of being gay. Update your worldview, learn something about human compassion and empathy. Y'all yester-slaves love the masters bible. The master beat all y'all straight and christian. Keep up with the masturbatory self satisfying train of discrimination, as the educated middle class students continue to apply and be received to emigrate away from the pseudo-conservative slave think.


DreamerX says...

What does opposing it mean to you? In any law, we should ask, what is being protected?

DreamerX says...

Christianity existed after marriage existed, before Judaism. Our laws allows many "sins", so how can this be different? It isn't. It's just a matter of hate.

DreamerX says...

If gays were to marry. What does this to us straight people?

DreamerX says...

This is more of an ad than a news article. Should just be on the side of the site with the other classifieds.