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DreamerX says...

If this is taking money from churches then this bill is shaping up quite nicely. At least men like Mr. Flowers don't claim to be claimants to spiritual power while fleecing the people. Religion like government always seems to need more money each and every year. So I guess it's rather expected they are fighting over the scraps of disposable income in this chosen land.

On Christian Council hits back at Christie

Posted 16 September 2014, 4:12 p.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

But the bible is a collection of silly stories compiled over hundreds to a thousand years. It's utter trash and a tool.

DreamerX says...

But a man who quotes the bible was elected as our leader. This man who is claimant to spiritual leadership was not. That's the difference. We have not elected a zealot, we have a elected a man who claims a certain faith.

DreamerX says...

Going against an unelected group of claimants to moral superiority equates 'All Bahamians'? Or do you mean most? Is it even most? That purport these capricious zealots as our spiritual leaders? Christianities overarching claim to be one faith is a sham. The Bahamas is mostly a collections of strongly differing faiths based on the Judeo-Christian teachings.

DreamerX says...

Threatening a group that threatens you does not denounce your moral compass. He was informing them quite clearly, that if they speak politics as such as to push a "No confidence" or condemn the majority party, they are not just teaching a faith, they are actively playing the political game and as a player in the game you don't get to hide behind unelected positions of perceived 'holy' power.

DreamerX says...

Essentially, you can be whatever you want to be, just don't talk about it, don't expect to be treated fairly, don't expect to receive couple treatments under law, don't expect to receive the basic access others of the "normal" and proper group have access to. This is the motto of the ignorant black christian Bahamian. It's rather alluding historically like such of the Nazi party and the Hutu Hate Groups of recent history.

First, make it clear the others don't deserve to be treated fairly, then make it clear that they are doing is wrong and should be ashamed, then spread rumors of trying to hurt others or 'convert' others, and finally spark the fuse.

On LGBT attack 'is hate speech'

Posted 2 September 2014, 1:33 p.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

You know when you Uganda took this approach they were shunned for all the right reasons and quickly backtracked several of the religious leaders 'think tank' anti-gay agendas to maintain their 'religiousness'. If you want to take the country back to dark age myth and ignorance, go for it, but call it as it is.

DreamerX says...

People must not remember the google search bar. Google homosexuality in 'nature', since people believe humans which are products of nature are not animals or included in 'nature'.

DreamerX says...

Imposing? The only imposing force is the force that seeks to limit, abuse and create disenfranchised groups of of society. Maybe you can't handle your own emotions when you see someone of another persuasion. Maybe it's taunting because when you wanted to express your queer side you were made a shame of. So how dare they desire to do it shame free in the OPEN! Maybe like you they'll hide it away under super charged hetersexuality an religiousity. God also killed for eating shell fish, not screaming when being raped, mixing fabrics, mixing cheese and meat, etc. If you felt this way, every time you see a freaking Whopper w/ Cheese you must have a breakdown and take aspirin because your heart palpitating from all the imposed immorality.

DreamerX says...

Utilize google you ignorant scab. Google homoesexuality in other animals.