Comment history

DreamerX says...

I agree, this article seems to be biased and focusing on obviously poorly based information. What journalistic integrity would allow someone to say "People" are talking about increased costs and cite random "Name Changed" people as some fair sampling of the people.

On Consumers cutting back after VAT

Posted 20 January 2015, 12:52 p.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

Probably one of the first educated posts I've seen on here. Usually all I see are ignorant rants about what people want for themselves not for the big picture of the people. +1

DreamerX says...

Seems like a fair criticism if you minus the political grand standing. Overall a good caution in the diversification of FDI. The prospect of FDI turned into political leverage by State owned companies has been an issue globally. Some regulations requiring years of holding money in local banks before remittance and such. Not sure how that worked for Russia but I think the conversation should be had.

DreamerX says...

Pastor blames secular education and science (evolution) for rape. Well, hello fox news.

DreamerX says...

Another example of ignorance given a voice. I'm saddened by people like "Beehmian", who can be the loudest voices for change when they have not even taken a look at what it is they want to change.

DreamerX says...

Professional indemnity insurance is standard practice for certain levels of management and professionals.

DreamerX says...

Or rather, their sense of human rights is reasonable. In matters of the international public eye, we have received relatively negative reports based on purported mistreatments of persons held at the detention centre. It would then, seem prudent to make sure, at least in part for media purposes that we are giving the appearance of safely and humanely handling such individuals. And national pride is the same pride of prejudice and hate that is borne of racist groups and caste based groups. So I find national pride disgusting because it is the fuel of hate and has no purpose beyond manipulating the populace.

On Man found dead as 100 Haitians detained

Posted 22 October 2014, 2:14 p.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

You are the worst kind of person. Ignorant and proud of it.

On Murderer is found dead in prison cell

Posted 14 October 2014, 11:49 a.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

Pastors, "We're not the moral authority we interpret from the true word of God."
Person, "Bible doesn't speak to gambling being wrong or sinful."
Pastors, "Yes yes, but we speak on the morality of gambling in a broader sense, don't worry we're not the moral authority however much we must use unfounded and purported ideas of morality to prove we are only teaching the lessons of the bible."

On 'Rebuke' for government for pastors

Posted 29 September 2014, 1:01 p.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

Mandatory service is an old trend in countries who have experienced "Total War", making every able man woman and child a cog in the machine. What basis would you implement an ideology foreign to us, non-warring island dwelling people.

Let's force everyone to do something, maybe that will stop crime. Just like forcing your kids to go to private school will stop them from getting involved with drugs or other perceived ills. Don't forget keeping your child in church 3-5 days a week makes them a better person. While we're at it, we should it make it mandatory that every child upon turning eighteen has to swear on the flag and whatever nonsensical religious text they desire to be good young people and always do right. Because these wound caring policies work, don't they?

What a waste.

On Activist seeks schemes to steer youth from crime

Posted 22 September 2014, 12:37 p.m. Suggest removal