Comment history

DreamerX says...

I actually am friends with a Marina operator. But go off with some assumptions I guess. Don't have to go down to hear what we've discussed. People are opposed to every cost increase. But tell me more how workers which. I don't know why you colorized workers versus owners, but tell me more about how workers who have no information on customer leads and projections would know the outlook for increase or decrease in overall activity.

The airline industry also had veiled threats.

DreamerX says...

Oh yes, let's make it essentially free so you can profit. That isn't governments primary concern with policies. It's not, make it easier for you to fleece your customers because government doesn't charge reasonable fees....I doubt the people will sail to Monaco as a choice against The Bahamas as a real one or the other.....

DreamerX says...

ArawakX media team must have been rehired after the lay offs. You are really on it bro! Hope you get that bonus!

On ArawakX suspension extended to Monday

Posted 15 September 2023, 11:32 a.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

Again, perhaps I am beating a dead horse. No one spoke on what is owed, legally or otherwise. Anyone can act in response to something, doesn't matter if they have a legal basis or not. But regardless, I never spoke on whether they are entitled to any recovery in this case.

However, you keep parroting that investors are not entitled to funds, they can lose all money. I assume you have read the term sheet on the investment? This isn't even true for most investments so it's really weird you keep parroting this unsecured investment paradigm as if you must be running some shady investment house....

DreamerX says...

I do believe you've created an argument that I have not made at all.

I did not mention any entitlements of the investor.

But I guess you just had a point to make regardless?

DreamerX says...

Rumors about financial woes were building for over 1.5 years now. It seems the defense is disingenuous to the truth about ArawakX's issues. Insolvency is fair if not pleasant path to having a license cancelled or suspended. The Commission has failed significantly with FTX and other crypto ventures in providing any valuable oversight, but I don't believe it's equally failed in this regard.

Crowdsourcing has become a haven for ill advised ventures, in which the Bahamian public has seen no real successful entities to date in this financial sub-sector. ArawakX moved to capitalize on this empty field and reportedly was not completely incompetent but was a loss making venture, which seemed to stir the "Angel Investor" into action. Whether this action was malicious or not may be irrelevant. Without hard financial disclosures over the inception to date for ArawakX, all claims against or in support are wind outside of the courts.

DreamerX says...

He was removed from Parliament square at least once so that's 2 out of 3 so far. He hasn't however convinced any constituency to elect him or his flock. When he or if does it at Atlantis we can revisit.

DreamerX says...

Why is it always the folks who claim protest is good also want to make dissent of their ideological pits to be called a betrayal of The Bahamas. It's easy to then jump up and now claim I'm not (truly) Bahamian or some (uncle tom). Everyone that disagrees or believes otherwise than you has to be demonized and named the enemy. My generational 'belonging' is deeply rooted and my familial class was never upper echelons, but even explaining that is beneath the discussion as this does not inform a persons beliefs....

DreamerX says...

You still failed to show what informed you that "most Bahamians" are of this viewpoint that it's a crisis. But that can't be shown because you made it up right? Never asked or disagreed with approximate Hattian ethnic stats, which are being misused.

You also conveniently dropped this "February 2012, the daily newspaper The Nassau Guardian reported that the tens of thousands of Haitians living in the Bahamas are made up of illegal residents, persons with legal status, and those who have obtained Bahamian citizenship (13 Feb. 2012)"

The legal and long generational persons are part of your xenophobic and borderline prejudice "crisis"?

DreamerX says...

Saying most Bahamians is funny and probably just a lie. What even most basic UB survey or other survey conveyed this to you? Or is it, you have asked the persons in your own circles and believe this to be the nation?

Citing the UN for peaceful protests but for Lincoln Bain who scoffs and rages at all other UN guidelines on immigration and human rights is wanted two sets of standards.