Comment history

DreamerX says...

Lincoln Bain is consistently a clown and saying he is a "paying guest' when he is forming a protest is even more clownish. Gun toting xenophobic actions that resort to lies and slander pose no respectable service to the country. Made the law abiding gun owners look like reckless fools. Anyone forming a 'protest' in form or function at Atlantis would be escorted away the same. The beach access protest of the past didn't as far as I can recall trespass on private property. I would have thought a failed political campaign would produce a better version of Lincoln Bain, but after the public rejection it seems to have only hardened his nationalistic small minded mission. Maybe he and his zealots can one day refine their dogmatic beliefs in fantasy and imagined plots into real productive aspects of Bahamian politics and social welfare. Until then, I wish nothing but misadventure to those that seek to spark hate and violence with the non-discerning flame of nationalistic rhetoric.

DreamerX says...

It's really funny now though, as I've tried to park there to grab something from Starbucks a few years back when it was empty and I was accosted and told I'll be towed away but many years before, I went to the restaurant and was told this was public parking and not SH's own. I guess they slowly decided it was theirs and intentionally didn't resolve the property tax assessment to give the basis for the argument. Lol

DreamerX says...

So as a response to Minnis' rebuttal that clears the clear political slander by PM Davis, you allude that there is issues there. Okay, but do you acknowledge the first matter being clearly resolved with purportedly all the correct steps taken? Davis made vague claims and Minnis provided references to controls and documentation.

I don't see how it's megalomania to be outraged especially when you have and they have the hard flipping evidence. In fact, it's a norm for people to be outraged when they know and can disprove a dangerous claim about their actions.

Minnis erred in several ways, but to include this as one of them is a big disingenuous and will cloud any future claims as being similarly lacking in substance.

DreamerX says...

The issue is, if this is a bar, the officer may have essentially just been in a bar fight and decided to kill this man. There isn't any data on what establishment? Do they sell liquor? Was the officer drinking? This man seems to deserve to be in jail for his behavior, but an off-duty officer is not really entitled to enforce his will on citizens at their leisure unless they at least maintain sound body and mind judgement while carrying those weapons un-impaired.

On Man injured in police-involved shooting

Posted 6 March 2022, 9:20 a.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

I've even heard through conversations at bars with persons working in the import business that workers were making deals with customs officers to split items that "fall off the back of the truck" or item unlikely/unable to be weighed by the receiver for net item received which they ordered by weight.

I think there should be a standard inspection done by Commercial Crimes to inspect the vehicles of customs officers who oversee any such shipments in a random spot check. I guess this could just be a third person in the stealing ring but Idk. There is also common practice for customs officers to allow freight forwarders or importers to skirt taxes for their personal consumption to receive free shipping on their orders, both of which do not appear for customs declarations and taxation. This is more difficult as Customs has the authority wholly, so how do you make them inspect themselves without adding a few more hands taking from the pot...

On Customs chief placed on leave in shake-up

Posted 27 February 2022, 1:21 p.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

I see the crazies has ran all the other folks as Carlton posts something they either didn't read or are willingly being misleading under evert gosh darn post about covid down to weather reports.

DreamerX says...

Just sounds like a white racist.

DreamerX says...

What is this data you refer to?

DreamerX says...

This is already covered under the current rules and procedures.

DreamerX says...

Is it suppression or is the standard policy?

On Davis accuses govt of voter suppression

Posted 22 July 2021, 6:45 a.m. Suggest removal