Comment history

DreamerX says...

You must be kidding. And what, let bedlam rule?

DreamerX says...

This would literally enforce the car dealership oligarchs goal of out pricing cars from the majority of Bahamians even further. The benefits would be so minimal to the now high rate of refusal for cars.

DreamerX says...

It is in fact discriminatory. However, this class of professional is the brain drain that we are facing as a country. The best of the best, leave as fast as they can once the few prime positions are taken up.

This won't fully reverse brain drain because net salary gain over time is still more profitable in usa/canada.

Did he also go against the discriminatory nature of other programs that had a specified demographic? Or is he simply using this as a way to play class warfare?

I would also like to see his presentation on the success of the Mortgage Corp. and if he will stick his name to that performance, then so be it.

No financial statements are available on the official website and only news I've seen recently is 100m Bond that isn't able to be paid back by the organization.

DreamerX says...

This screams as a smoke screen for KFC to conduct mass firings to hire newly employed lower paid, no entitlement staff and blame the government at the same time. I think if a company can get newspaper coverage to blame something like this, they should at least show some statistical data of the decline, otherwise it's a newspaper allowing political mischief without any evidence of truth.

DreamerX says...

This is a highly reckless article. It never says how they came to the belief it was the vaccines. No comments on rate of vaccine caused hlh versus other causes. It's an anti vax article as they are disguised today. They say vaccines are important, and they need to be done but they want "safe" vaccines. They then introduce non medically supported methods of administering vaccines based on no literature. They go to the 2 or 3 doctors who subscribe to their own belief and say see, look at this quote.

Don't be reckless with your voice. Grief is no excuse to help cause an epidemic.

DreamerX says...

I'm confused. This article is a bit weirdly worded.

They are saying, HLB's assigned staff was complicit in a fraud during the Housing Initiative while in a role of "watch dog" while the same time that HLB Galanis was tasked with audit/forensic services? That would be a strong independence issue.

Has the HLB Galanis firm taken any responsibility? How is this person now an individual while they were empowered to this role through the firm in which they quality of service is supposed to be monitored and improved by the firm?

On Blaze ‘cover up’ over $400k loss

Posted 29 November 2019, 7:24 a.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

Maybe he represents a good thing to you. But the story of the people of AMMC stands as testament to his unscrupulous leanings. Ask the employees who are unafraid to elaborate. He is leaving because his firing has been forgotten and now he can use excuses to claim some fragment of moral high-ground. I am not a defender of the FNM, nor did I vote for them. But this is a not a person to put any faith in.

DreamerX says...

This article serves as little purpose as saying that the "We need to make sure we are using resources appropriately". The man can analyze business, but has he shown any capability with operating one? Or in any way, who is he relevant to construction strategies, organizing repairs or any relevant purpose beyond analysis?

Another popular contact for this news paper, but has anyone truly ever came away from his insights with any more information that they had before reading it?

DreamerX says...

Have you not read or heard people before this storm actually hit? Flippant jokes and that they feel safer at home. That their homes never fell before. You could have placed a teleporter for them to blink to safety and you wouldn't get 50% to take it.