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DreamerX says...

Whether or not it began with him in the right, he is quickly becoming annoying just to have to see his comments. The opposition will always fight at every chance it can get in the media and spread a message, it's apart of their job. But I always had the impression was supposed to stand above arguments not directly in the proceedings.

On Different versions of House rules exist

Posted 9 February 2018, 9:01 a.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

Taxi drivers are the bane of most if not all locals who aren't directly in the Taxi business. The plates should be seized or cancelled by the government and only reissued through a system where renewals are based on rider ratings. Break up the corrupt passive income of renting out public transport plates.

Their union is as I understand insolvent and accruing liabilities while they skim off cash and pretend they have no way to start paying down debt.

On Taxi drivers: We’re clean

Posted 6 February 2018, 3:47 p.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

Please correct the wording of this article. It seems to suggest the driver of the sentra is the first person to hit her, check on her and also accused to fleeing the scene.

On Two dead after traffic accidents

Posted 29 January 2018, 6:03 p.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

While I am not in favor of the blanket approach to bail denial, how can they appear to be maintaining any real law and order just by reversing it. Are lawyers tired of not having bail proceedings to itemize in billings? Do they not fear their fellow Bahamians being robbed with threat of death that sources a lot of the bail funds? Make the drug sale/purchase without weapons bailable fine. But any weapon, break-in or any issue involving violence, the threat of violence or actions reasonable expected to cause physical harm remain....

On AG hints at Bail Act change

Posted 16 January 2018, 9:31 a.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

"We will subject the Government to our top notch legal teams to give them the hell we've given our suckers (costumers)."

DreamerX says...

They are doing this because the Japanese imports direct by consumers is hurting the big local car dealers.

DreamerX says...

The person probably didnt want to kill them or start a shoot out in a store full of people.

On Freeze - you're under arrest

Posted 3 January 2018, 1:42 p.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

While I despise most of Mr. Moncur's publicly stated beliefs on social change, attacking or intimidating him is vile. It also gives some form of credence to his many warped world views. The most refreshing aspect was his description of the luxurious food being catered at decent expenses at the meetings he attended while in the Senate. Otherwise, he's a silly man that is melodrama unto himself. Hope he stays safe and we get to ridicule him with ideas and not commit to violent acts.

On Moncur claims someone is trying to kill him

Posted 8 December 2017, 9:49 a.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

These speak to my experiences. Had a cousin that would get beaten by her Jamaican husband, from a family of officers, but would always defend him after. We kind of gave up after a while and it makes me sad but it's tough. They had to be talked down from doing things on their own because it was likely she would bear witness against her family. She was hospitalized before.

On Sands: Be honest on domestic violence

Posted 11 November 2017, 9:37 a.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

No issues with the service yet, seems better than BTC, I've have both in active use since they launched. Prices were much better before BTC mobilized discounted price schedule to slow the bleeding. Now they are comparable and should be treated based on your usage and pay levels. BTC wins in terms of the low usage person who only top up small amounts incrementally or medium amounts once every few months. Aliv is a bit better for high use person especially ones who have spikes in usage with the month to month subscriptions allowing you to plan for larger packages if you know it will be busy and reduce to medium to smallish packages the next month. They are sharing mostly the BTC network, so idk how it will fair once they are mandated to use their own network or BTC is no longer ordered by URCCA to permit usages of the network.