Comment history

Emilio26 says...

AndreObserver I'm surprised in 2023 The Bahamas hasn't embraced transportation apps like Uber besides it would make it more cost efficient and convenient for drivers and customers.

Emilio26 says...

For heaven's sake I don't know why the current and even past administrations didn't seriously push for renewables from at least 10 years ago. I think Nassau wouldn't be experiencing so many blackouts if government buildings and private businesses were taken off BPL's grid and went fully solar.

Emilio26 says...

I'll bet COI trolls will still defend Lincoln even though he is guilty.

Emilio26 says...

ThisIsOurs remember years back in the 50s and early 60s how Lyford Cay and Old Fort Bay developers started out by buying up vast amounts of beachfront property on the western tip of New Providence until there was barely any left in the area. Then as a result of that huge land grab property prices in western New Providence have been drastic heights.

On Royal Caribbean scouts Rum Cay

Posted 16 April 2023, 2:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Emilio26 says...

SP I remember a few years ago when Graham Weatherford and Jeffrey R. Davis mentioned the same you said on a Guardian Radio Talkshow political trolls from the FNM and PLP criticized and mocked their ideas.

On Nassau ranks low on visitor satisfaction

Posted 13 April 2023, 9:50 a.m. Suggest removal

Emilio26 says...

I actually agree with Mr Franklyn Wilson on this topic besides many Bahamians and even foreign investors have valuable land due to this unfair Quieting Titles Act. However, I think it's about time that this devious Quieting Titles Act be abolished and the government also need to establish a proper land registry so bahamians can go into a online portal to see who own what and that way a lot of property disputes can be avoided.

Emilio26 says...

I think Allyson Maynard-Gibson and these other activist have a hidden agenda besides the constitution already makes it clear what a Bahamian male or female can do in relation to passing on citizenship to their offspring. automatic bahamian citizenship is given to persons:

Born in The Bahamas to married parents, with either parent being a Bahamian citizen
Born to an un-married Bahamian female in or outside of The Bahamas
Born outside of The Bahamas to a married Bahamian male who was not born outside The Bahamas
Adopted by a married Bahamian male
Adopted by a single Bahamian female

Emilio26 says...

Don't forget that the Haitians are also the largest group of low skilled immigrant workers that send a lot of money back home to Haiti.

Emilio26 says...

The Bahamas government should've embraced solar energy from at least 20 years ago then maybe BPL wouldn't have power generation issues that they currently have today.