Comment history

EnoughIsEnough says...

they amended the article - the original post did not have the MP's name...

EnoughIsEnough says...

i agree - the tribune fails repeatedly to do true reporting...

EnoughIsEnough says...

yes, let's look at Brazil - where millions of the people are marching and demanding the removal of the corrupt government. is that happening here? no. i don't think anyone is saying that corruption and the other issues don't exist. the point is, other civilized countries have methods of dealing with these issues, there is transparency, there is accountability. huge difference.

EnoughIsEnough says...

i'm guessing you have not lived much abroad. I myself have lived in 4 different US states, 2 european countries, and have spent most of my life travelling - not w/end trips to miami to shop but 3 weeks to 4 months in other countries. your fear of tax is ridiculous - you pay tax here in the Bahamas and get little to nothing for it. other countries have better education, better health, good roads, excellent public transporation, police forces that work, transparency, accountability, etc... you might earn a little less, pay taxes BUT the cost of living and quality of life are much improved. The Bahamas is the 2nd most expensive place to live in the world - and for what? toxic air, corrupt govt, D average education, high unemployment, one of the highest cancer rates and murder rates in the world, an apathetic people who refuse to stand up and challenge the system and to make people accountable for their actions. we litter our beaches, pollute our seas, throw trash on the side of the roads. Yes, our water and our beaches are some of the most beautiful in the world but what else do we truly have to offer? You act like there is something wrong with riding a train to work, or taking a bus - really? You act like you don't have taxes - VAT, soon to be NHI, NIB, customs duty, 15% mandatory gratuity - really??? Get a grip - there are thousands of places in the world much better to live than on this failing rock. The Bahamas could and should be an amazing place to live, it is not, and it fails more and more each day. I blame the people, not the government.

EnoughIsEnough says...

because the out islands still suffer from the same corrupt, incompetent government. many people are leaving the Bahamas because they see little hope for change, progress or improvement. Many are leaving for the same reason as Banker. We are a failing country and the Bahamian people continue to stand by and watch it collapse.

EnoughIsEnough says...

Did our government do careful due diligence on these projects? let us not forget the esteemed Arthur Porter of mcgill Univeristy and that entire scandal...

EnoughIsEnough says...

not a damn thing will happen to any of them. remember where we live. remember Pindling and the commission of enquiry.

On PM 'promised' land to Nygard

Posted 13 March 2016, 8:45 a.m. Suggest removal

EnoughIsEnough says...

i agree - however it is not a landfill :)

On Schools close as dump burns

Posted 9 March 2016, 5:09 p.m. Suggest removal

EnoughIsEnough says...

if it is illegal then charge the people. simple. why does everything in this country become so complicated!


Posted 7 March 2016, 5:37 p.m. Suggest removal

EnoughIsEnough says...

the PM is always in Olives, Cable Beach - try serving him there. This article thrills me and I'm glad there is an attorney out there who is not afraid to do his job. Watching with interest....