Comment history

EnoughIsEnough says...

for those of you (Tal and Sheeprunner in particular) who aren't educating themselves on the actual wording of the Bills and what they mean, and other laws regarding marriage, here's an excerpt from a summary : "
While other widespread forms of discrimination occurring in our country daily are not being addressed, the addition of “sex” into the non-discrimination clause is a clear improvement.
The same list of criteria, including the word “sex,” is already in Article 15 of the Constitution (“Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Individual”) and has been there since independence in 1973. This has nothing to do with same-sex marriage, which is voided by the Matrimonial Causes Act (1879), which in turn is protected by Article 26(4) of the Constitution."

and here is the wording of the new proposed bill #4 that has you all up in arms:

26. (3) In this Article, the expression "discriminatory" means affording different treatment to different person attributable wholly or mainly to their respective descriptions by race, place of origin, political opinions, colour, creed or sex whereby person of one such description are subjected to disabilities or restrictions to which person of another such description are not made subject or are accorded privileges or advantages which are not accorded to persons of another such description.

(5) Nothing contained in any law shall be held to be inconsistent whit or in contravention of paragraph (1) of this Article to the extent that it makes provision with respect to standards or qualifications (not being a standard or qualification specifically relating to race, place of origin, political opinions, colour, creed or sex) in order to be eligible for service as a public officer or as a member of a disciplined force of for the service of a local government authority or a body corporate established by law for public purposes."

Before, discrimination could not be based on race, place of origin, political opinions, colour or creed. They have simply added the word SEX - meaning you can not be refused a job based on being male or female, for example. This has absolutely nothing to do with gay marriage - that would require a change to the Matrimonial Causes act. If you are so paranoid about that freedom being given to others, then vote no on THAT referendum if it ever comes to fruition (highly unlikely in our ignorant, uneducated and backwards society) - but don't take away equality for male and female in this referendum.

EnoughIsEnough says...

outstanding! let's hope it passes in the Senate, and then that the Bahamian people vote these bills in. it's been far too long...

EnoughIsEnough says...

to address some of the comments above - MonkeeDoo, yes technically we are allowed up to the high water mark but as we all know, access from the sea has been blocked for the entire length of cabbage beach. yet no one protested this. why aren't these lines being cut every day? there is one small access point to fit about 3 boats at the end near the cove/golf course but other than that, there are only 2 access points to the beach for the public (well, one now). Kalikl - you are correct. Bahamians must remember this is their own government who did this - starting way back when they permitted beach front property all around the islands to be sold without any guaranteed public access. this act of violence against what is now private property should not be found acceptable. yes, it is great that there is solidarity amongst the people, but fight against the true targets - your government and its predecessors. Not the investors into this country. and for those of you who like to pull the race card, your rights have been continuously taken away since independence by parties who are primarily black bahamians, haven't they? I am tired of commenters on here blaming the white man and/or foreignors for everything. the black man holds the power of govt, the majority of voters are black bahamians, the majority of business owners/managers/human resources are black bahamians. bahamians should absolutely be coming together and challenging the status quo, but let us do it in a non-violent way and make sure we target the right folk, the people in power - current and previous - , not the people who keep so many employed.

EnoughIsEnough says...

am i correct in assuming that these vendors do not pay any fees / rent etc to be located here? and yet the government is using tax payers money to beautify, expand and build their businesses - and who will be responsible for maintaining the areas and keeping them clean? because up until now these vendors certainly are not doing that. and do these vendors pay business licenses, are they up to date on their National Insurance? Do they contribute in any way or will they simply continue to take, take, take. We certainly our a country where everyone wants the government to do everything, yet no one wants to pay taxes or fees. i agree that potters cay needs to have work done as it is an eyesore - but who is to say it won't become that again within months of the completion date? there needs to be some accountability by these vendors. i say if they don't keep their places clean they receive a warning and on a 2nd warning they are shut down.

On Gray: No vendor will have to move their stall

Posted 18 February 2016, 8:33 a.m. Suggest removal

EnoughIsEnough says...

was the driver on his cell phone when he lost control? not hard to check....

On Man dies in Adelaide Road crash

Posted 16 February 2016, 1:10 p.m. Suggest removal

EnoughIsEnough says...

Banker - if you knew what YOU were talking about you would know that Spanish Wells is not dry and has not been for some time. There are a few "liquor stores" and there is a restaurant on the point which serves amazing cocktails and other liquors.

On Lightbourn told of criticism at FNM meeting

Posted 9 February 2016, 12:50 p.m. Suggest removal

EnoughIsEnough says...

Cancel it!

EnoughIsEnough says...

yup - no business at all being on York Street. But then again, it was lunch time....


Posted 4 February 2016, 7:31 a.m. Suggest removal

EnoughIsEnough says...

I completely support the police and the compliance officers in this. The behaviour of the vendors is unacceptable at best and you can tell by the attitude of the person shooting the attached video that they have no respect for law and order. The rule is simple - if your goods don't fit in your stall then remove them. Come down hard on these vendors who basically pay nothing to have a space to sell products that aren't even Bahamian (most of the items). The taxpayers pay for this - if they don't adhere, kick them out. Enough is Enough!