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EnoughIsEnough says...

What frustrates me to no end is the presence of media (Tribune and Guardian) at these things and it does not appear that even one of their "journalists" asks questions! Have any of the Tribune staff asked any of the people in that room what the purpose of these particular items is? If the plp/ rbdf requested these items then why? Why now? Why specifically riot gear and 10,000+ cannisters of tear gas? Who do they expect to use it on? And if we did not really ask for it and instead the Chinese decided it would be nice to "give" to us, ask what strings are attached? Why would the Chinese think that our relatively peaceful nation would require being armed to the hilt with riot gear? What the hell is wrong with our press? Tired of them simply regurgitating government rhetoric without getting to the meaning behind some of these actions. If the press asked for answers and none were given, then indicate in your story that you approached Ministers x, y and z and they refused to comment. Darn it - do something!! Absolutely pathetic journalism. You should not have to have formal training in order to have natural curiosity, should you?

On China gives $1.2m to buy military equipment

Posted 29 January 2016, 10:31 p.m. Suggest removal

EnoughIsEnough says...

Really beautiful comments from students at R M Bailey. Always great to hear when a teacher is respected and has helped to uplift and motivate students.

On Shock as teacher collapses and dies at school

Posted 27 January 2016, 5:01 p.m. Suggest removal

EnoughIsEnough says...

I also think it is shameful that the Tribune did not print the names of the "bogus" group and the owners. They happily show faces of everyone who is a "person of interest" (i.e. not yet proven guilty in a court of law) yet keep something like this a secret, when it is public court documents. Who are they protecting? And yes, very sad that this is the end result - I wonder who the legitimate family owners are and if they actually plan on doing something productive with the property or did they demolish for the sake of demolishing, and it will then become overcome and a haven for criminal activity? Hopefully someone with lots of cash who does a lot of community work (i.e. the two big numbers boys) will be able to help out these disenfranchised families.

EnoughIsEnough says...

wow - mass protest over increased cable rates but no mass protests against vat, nhi, bamsi, murder rates, poor education, millions wasted on Carnival, blatant corruption? You'll stand for hours for Popeyes chicken and cheaper cable )so that you and your kids can watch the primarily mindless crap that is on US television - basic cable) but Bahamians won't march and protest for the things that are truly important? Get it together people. Get your priorities straight.

EnoughIsEnough says...

i think they need to factor into the percentage paid for how many members in a family are dependents. for example, i have no kids - so why should i pay the same amount as someone making the same salary as me but who has 3 kids or 5 kids? And why should i or anyone pay NHI for people who are unemployed and have countless kids for men who do not bear financial responsibility? Plus, I pay my own private insurance? We are not a socialist country. I think before we start providing even more free health and everything else free to people we need to make people accountable. If you can't afford kids, don't have them - don't expect me and other hardworking taxpayers to have to pay for your damn kids - their medical, their education (or lack thereof, etc. I am not talking about hardworking families who fall upon hard times, i'm referring to the ridiculous number of women who continue to have kids without having any means of support. They become a huge burden on society and we are a failing country. i'm tired of paying for these people - through duty, through VAT, now through NHI. enough is enough!

On ‘Wait times will go up under NHI’

Posted 20 January 2016, 4:24 p.m. Suggest removal

EnoughIsEnough says...

great story. unlike Duty Free, I hope this young man does NOT return to the Bahamas. So many doors opening to him, so much opportunity abroad for growth, learning, experience - there is absolutely nothing on our island for him. It would be great if we did have an environment that embraced educated young men like Shaquille but the truth is that we do not. he will earn a sub standard salary, struggle to find financing for home that he will barely be able to afford - particularly if he wants to live in a safe neighbourhood to raise a family - his car will get broken into when he goes swimming at a beach that is covered in litter, he will put his life on the line swimming along the shore due to reckless jet ski operators, and he will put his life on the line every day that he leaves his home to go to work. It's not worth it, young man - make your life in the US or where ever else opportunities take you, and vacation in the Bahamas - then you can afford a vacation at a safe resort with a clean beach (probably in the out islands) and you can give back to your country by supporting local businesses / restaurants / cab drivers out of an excellent salary that you will be earning abroad.

EnoughIsEnough says...

so glad The Cove is doing this and hopefully all hotels will follow suit - put this industry out of business once and for all. they have done nothing to regulate themselves in all these years, in spite of the continuous complaints from residents and visitors, the increasing number of rapes, the number of deaths and accidents, and the countless near misses from reckless drivers (primarily the local operators) racing their jet skis 10 feet from shore. shut them down. no one comes here on holiday with the primary intention to ride them anyway.

On Guests at the Cove warned about jet skis

Posted 13 January 2016, 8:28 a.m. Suggest removal

EnoughIsEnough says...

full of crap. we don't even have 1 breathalizer on the island as far as i know, yet every bar and club and restaurant i know has the majority of patrons leaving with several (and i mean more than 2) drinks under their belt. it would be a lot cheaper to invest in breathalizers and let bahamians know there will now be strict penalties for drunk driving, than to try to educate people who know there are no punishments for illegal/dangerous/reckless behaviour.

EnoughIsEnough says...

absolutely disgusted that the tribune would print this picture. if you feel the need to show the naked man, at least have some respect for him and your readers and blur out his private areas. this man is struggling with a mental disorder and you shame him so publicly? have you no respect? why would any editor allow this? you are certainly becoming tabloid in your approach to news coverage these days. very sad.

EnoughIsEnough says...

i am boggled that Bahamians are willing to sit in line for such long periods of time for chicken! and not even healthy chicken. they'll spend an hour in their car or longer to wait for this, but they won't take an hour out of their day to march in opposition of VAT, for stronger crime prevention, for better education, for cleaner air - what a very sad reflection of the country and its people. it's chicken, for crying out loud!! your ma's probably cook a hell of a lot better. get your friggin' priorities straight....