Comment history

EnoughIsEnough says...

come on tribune - stop reporting every time this man burps useless rhetoric. surely there are more important stories out there to cover. does everything have to be every useless comment by every useless politician?? report things that inform, educate, instruct, that have substance, do some more investigative journalism - uncover truths.

EnoughIsEnough says...

stislez, if you want to be accurate in your hatred and intolerance, then take it back to your own AFrican roots who were very complicit in partnering with the "white man" in the the slave trade. And understand that slave trading was part of AFrican culture much earlier than the white man came along. Here is a quote and then a link so that you can better inform yourself:

"The historical record is incontrovertible—as documented in the PBS Africans in America series companion book:
The white man did not introduce slavery to Africa . . . . And by the fifteenth century, men with dark skin had become quite comfortable with the concept of man as property . . . . Long before the arrival of Europeans on West Africa’s coast, the two continents shared a common acceptance of slavery as an unavoidable and necessary—perhaps even desirable—fact of existence. The commerce between the two continents, as tragic as it would become, developed upon familiar territory. Slavery was not a twisted European manipulation, although Europe capitalized on a mutual understanding and greedily expanded the slave trade into what would become a horrific enterprise . . . . It was a thunder that had no sound. Tribe stalked tribe, and eventually more than 20 million Africans would be kidnapped in their own homeland. "

See this link if you would like to be educated - and many, many more articles, documentaries etc on the origin of probably the worse crimes against humanity in history - where the black man was as much a partner as the white man. perhaps worse - selling your own people.…

However, i agree with Gladiator and K4C - your anger and hatred is, firstly, very unchristian and secondly and most importantly it is the very root of the problem of why our country is in the state that it is in. You want to hate every white man because of what happened before you were born? Should the white man hate and fear every black man because some are killers, rapists, drug addicts? Should the white man hate all black men because some have made their wealth from drug running, underhanded business deals, partnering with the illegal numbers houses, etc?? you, my friend, must let get of your narrowmindedness and if you truly love your Bahamaland then you must figure out how to turn your hatred into a positive otherwise you will be swimming in your own self-perpetuated hate and filth.

On Colin Callender dies, aged 74

Posted 10 December 2015, 11:32 a.m. Suggest removal

EnoughIsEnough says...

why weren't these politicians defending the bahamian right of access to public beaches when ropes were put all along the beach on paradise island where the multi million dollar homes are? we have a legal right to be on those beaches up to the high water mark and not one politician has stood up for those rights. so no one can access by boat. this selective defense of laws is unacceptable.

EnoughIsEnough says...

get metal detectors at all of these schools. these kids are a detriment to society, behave in a disgusting manner, and need to be treated like the punks that they are.

On Student stabbed in fight over video game

Posted 3 December 2015, 1:58 p.m. Suggest removal

EnoughIsEnough says...

good for you Etoile!! i don't blame you. and i think most intelligent, informed Bahamians completely understand your frustration (although maybe not the execution :). I am sure you know that you are not alone and many of the productive, middle class Bahamians who have been fighting to build this country have just had enough - of the crime, the corruption and the apathetic attitude of Bahamians and so they are simply leaving. It's sad that we are in this position but there does not seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel. the commenters above who disagree with your position and who continue to defend the PLP and previous governments are the people who ultimately the problem in this country.

EnoughIsEnough says...

she met and married him long after she began working on those projects.

EnoughIsEnough says...

it can't be that complicated. either a stop order was issued or it wasn't. and if it was, the Minister simply needs to show proof of that. Not that it matters because whatever the environmental concerns may be, the project will ultimately be approved - likely without any real environmental assessments.

EnoughIsEnough says...

are there not any other stories that the tribune can cover? so tired of them constantly spewing govt rhetoric which has no substance. please stop giving these politicians so much space in the papers until there is actually something to report. otherwise you lose credibility. cover stories that have fact, details, and credibility. come in tribune - you can do better.

EnoughIsEnough says...

2013 govt statistics state 565 in total live in Acklins. To spend $22million+ on a road is absolutely ridiculous. Where is the outcry of the Bahamian people on this wastage. Do you all really want to pay more taxes for this? If the Crooked islanders want to continue to live there then they should all live in ONE central location - where there is a dock and airstrip. So infrastructure requirements are minimal. They have virtually no tourism or any other income source on the island and if they choose to continue to live there they will have to accept the risk. This is the real world we live in - we cannot function purely on emotions and desires. And CI in 2010 had 330 people. Again, really? why should we be rebuilding these remote islands? This money could be better used on education, medical care, police, efficient technology that benefits the majority of the Bahamians. So damn tired of these poor decisions, endorsed by the masses.

On $57m bill for govt repairs after hurricane

Posted 6 November 2015, 11:36 a.m. Suggest removal

EnoughIsEnough says...

i agree completely. we cannot do this ourselves. we MUST bring in help from abroad. we seem to have no problem doing that to 1) finance our debts - chinese, 2) consult on implementing taxes - new zealand, 3) to put a music festival (i.e. carnival) - american production company, etc.... Why can we not ask for outside help in something that is so absolutely detrimental to our growth as a nation?

On Seek help on crime

Posted 5 November 2015, 2:24 p.m. Suggest removal