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Entrepreneur says...

I encourage the Bahamas not to go down the route of Vaccine mandates. Mandates are not the right policy. Instead you can exercise your informed choice by researching the latest science on PubMed and searching what also helps keep COVID at bay. Additionally, the new subunit vaccines and the inactivated vaccines are inherently far safer with less side effects. Go to… to see the 4 types of vaccines. Similarly, taking Vitamin D3, Quercetin, Green tea extract and Zinc lowers your risks for proven scientific reasons related to Zinc Ionophores. If it reaches your lungs, Berberine is a powerful anti-viral that has significant activity in the lungs. Vitamin C infusions (and curcumin / turmeric) can also be very helpful to stop the cytokine storm if you get infected. The developing science has shown even Colgate Total mouthwash has an active ingredient in it that helps -… These are just examples of what you can read yourself - so, please read the latest science on PubMed and protect your self. Chose vaccines if you wish but there is no need to go down the vaccine mandate road. Israel shows it has negative health consequences. Here is some of the deeper science that explains that and has great relevance, even if none of us yet know for sure what is the perfect path:-… As ever though strengthening your own host and innate immunity is key... Be healthy, be well and read the latest science!

Entrepreneur says...

From a public health perspective given what I know about Delta, and elections, this was very foolish to call this now.

Entrepreneur says...
Entrepreneur says...

Properly informed decision making without antipathy is always beneficial and recommended: -…

Entrepreneur says...

Correct, and that will also change over time....

Entrepreneur says...

I would respectfully disagree. There are lots of ways to stimulate the uptake mechanism, and also your body will retain without loose stools, massive doses if you need it (cytokine storms et al).

Entrepreneur says...

Not quite, viral load and stopping replication is also key.

Entrepreneur says...

You are right, this is a very difficult situation to deal with. Basically the vaccine camps fall into 3 divisions - pro mRNA vs. those who think mRNA will allow for new variants to be bred internally and hence, we should instead use traditional live attenuated vaccines vs. the 3rd group that think Vaccines are too risky, which due to the inherent gain of function in the COVID 19 may also have some truth to it.

Nutritional based host immunity will always be # 1 as are supportive Zinc Ionophores, such as the combination of Green tea extract and Quercetin, with a decent Zinc lozenge supplement (especially within first 24 hours of symptoms), together with ongoing Vitamin D3 (to create a +/- 38% reduction in risk) and high levels of Vitamin C daily and more as and when needed. Berberine will also protect in an extreme situation as it is a very powerful alkaloid anti-viral that particularly protects the lungs.

Some background on the vaccines for folks to better understand your options: -…

Entrepreneur says...

Very unhelpful statement and headline.

Every one needs to be more responsible.

Zinc Ionophores still work. I told the PM about them. It is up to each individual: - go the vaccine route with known but relatively very small risks, or protect your self in other ways.

On Davis: We’re on brink of catastrophe

Posted 29 July 2021, 3:59 p.m. Suggest removal