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Entrepreneur says...

How bad is Delta? Do you all notice any difference? or is this just more of the same? Very difficult to believe what one reads in the US Media now...

Entrepreneur says...

Ex Turpi, Fred...

On EDITORIAL: Say one thing, do another on oil

Posted 25 December 2020, 10:47 a.m. Suggest removal

Entrepreneur says...

Congratulations and strenuous encouragement to the applicants.

The Bahamas is utterly unique because of its beautiful waters and islands. To permit drilling here is utter insanity, and economic insanity also.

Fred Smith QC deserves our sincere thanks and appreciation.

We live in a world where pristine environments, water and health are soon to be the greatest and most valuable currencies.

If Justice Petra Hanna-Adderley does not make the right decision she will not only have betrayed the Bahamas and its people, respectfully she will also have betrayed generations of her ancestors.

Entrepreneur says...

This is very embarrassing for the country and very bad for its reputation. It will make people think twice about living here.

Entrepreneur says...


On New power plant deal 'weeks out'

Posted 19 October 2020, 4:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Entrepreneur says...

Good question - because I did not do well before I took these, it worked and the science supports it.

The real kickers are 1) the 2014 study that shows green tea extract and Quercetin work as a Zinc Ionophore (of course the D3), 2) good quality Zinc, and 3) the Berberine.

I had COVID at start of February in New York and knew this was different. Felt like I was going to die. But ramping up the Vitamin C (sometimes very high to 8 - 9 grams a day helped), but still the pain in the middle of the chest would not go away and slight shortness of breath. Ugh!

So I researched alkaloids and their anti-viral properties, all on PubMed. And Berberine seemed the best and I did a high dose of 3,000 mg (bit risky) and chest pain went away within an hour or 2 and over a couple of days shortness of breath left. I followed up with a covid pcr test and was negative. Now I always take a little extra if I have to go the store.

It works..., because of the Science.

In terms of body fat, I was a bit fat, 200 lbs +, but am now 185. Simple intermittent fasting and low glycemic index foods, and several days just drinking hot herbal tea. It works.

Be well.

Entrepreneur says...

Strongly suggest you take the following: -

1. - Quercetin
2. - Green tea extract

Reason - when taken together they act in synergy to help Zinc enter the cell (which the ACE II inhibitory characteristics of COVID-19 suppresses), as a Zinc Ionophore (i.e. like Hydroxy Chloroquine but without any risks of negative heart side effects), and Zinc can then do its job to reduce viral replication

3. - Zinc - best taken as Zinc lozenges at first sign of cough or sore throat as the virus enters by the mucosal membranes in the back of the throat
4. - Vitamin D3 - increase your levels by Liquid d3, as higher base levels are associated with significantly better prognosis
5. - Vitamin C - 2 grams per day, increase if you get sick to help reduce inflammatory cascade etc.

If you get it and start getting sick or feel tightness in the chest, take Berberine; it can be tougher on your liver than some plant based supplements as it is an alkaloid, but it is a very strong anti-viral, particularly for the lungs... :-)…

I'm over 50 have had CV19, but never an issue by following the above, taking high quality anti-oxidants, wearing a mask and reading PubMed and staying below15% body fat. Intermittent fasting, exercise, low glycemic index all work. Time to get in shape as best you can...! So check this with your Doctor and read PubMed.

This is far more in your own (clean) hands than we think...

Entrepreneur says...

Oil in the Bahamas is a no, no...!

Entrepreneur says...

So many young people partying and not wearing masks, it is therefore all inevitable.
I had to be in Florida in July (at the height of their outbreak) and followed all the precautions (gloves, mask, social distancing and hand washing) - result, no COVID. Not before, not during my trip, and not after... More interestingly, Floridians I met admitted to me that they had not followed the precautions, but that after the huge uptick in numbers in July they were going to follow the guidlines - and since then..., their numbers have come down.

Here is a sign I saw in FL - 2 people meet, 1 person has COVID, one person wears a mask - risk of transmission = 70%. But if both wear a mask risk of transmission is 1.5%.

So it's time we focused enforcement on wearing of masks and social distancing...

On COVID-19 figures pass 5,000 over the weekend

Posted 12 October 2020, 10:59 p.m. Suggest removal

Entrepreneur says...

20% of people tested are COVID positive.

This is high? Are we targeting those likely to have it for tests, or is this just random?