Comment history

Entrepreneur says...

Obviously, it is likely not very safe.

Entrepreneur says...

It is certainly true Abaco is definitely not back to normal.

Entrepreneur says...

I'm not sure a successful homeowner contributing $6 million in taxes over ten years to the Bahamas is to be sniffed at...

On Govt makes good on property tax u-turn

Posted 20 August 2020, 6:57 a.m. Suggest removal

Entrepreneur says...

Doing this with no notice was a significant mistake.

Action also needs to be taken to avoid crating the lines.

But we must all do all we can to stop transmission too.

So act as if the person next to you has it.

Entrepreneur says...

Narrowing the lockdown to latte afternoon and only 3 days for groceries is probably counter productive in 2 clear ways: -

1. - it creates crowding at the groceries thereby increasing transmission
2. - shortening the days has the same effect in a more limited sense by compressing what time we can be out.

Clearly the increase in numbers over the 2nd week of lockdown indicates that way this lockdown has been done may have been counter-productive.

Would it not be better to open more widely so as to disperse crowding which is better for business also, but ensure it is mandatory to wear masks in any store or business, and clamp down on the partying and lack of social distancing!

Some business activity and being a bit of a hermit while wearing a mask are not incompatible if done correctly while regrettably still making sure bars and other crowded evening entertainment centers and so forth, sadly, can not operate.

Just my 2 cents...

Entrepreneur says...

Look at USA! - they didn't respect it and rates went way up. But once they learned the lesson of wear masks, social distance, do not party - and guess what - rates went down. Go To John Hopkins corona virus centre - almost all US states are now in downward trend, including FL and AZ.

Huge grocery lines is not the way to go. Sadly lockdown here may have increased transmission in that way recently?

But, equally just assume the person next to you has it and act accordingly.

On 133 new COVID-19 cases reported on Saturday

Posted 15 August 2020, 9:48 p.m. Suggest removal

Entrepreneur says...

Number of positive tests as a % of total number of tests is steadily going down... :-)

Entrepreneur says...

If he had not had a firearm and started shooting, I expect the victim would be alive today...


Posted 11 August 2020, 7:08 a.m. Suggest removal

Entrepreneur says...

Kiss the frog, it might turn into a prince? ha ha...

On Nearly 400 invasive cane toads caught

Posted 7 August 2020, 9:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Entrepreneur says...

The percentage of positive tests of the total number of tests taken is actually down from a few days ago. Stay the course.