Comment history

Eve says...

Did the new victim know the woman who died from it in Bimini?

Eve says...

This disease is spread by contact. When you go shopping do not touch your face, eyes, mouth or nose with your hands. When you get home put away your groceries. Then disinfect all the surfaces your bags have touched with bleach and water. Wash your reusable bags or use your store of eco friendly bags we used to get from the supermarket. Then wash your hands. I have a shower too when I get home from the market. I hang my clothes and the bags on the line in the sun for 2 days. UV kills the virus. Cashiers should be able to wash their hands after every customer. Or use gloves if the cashier can change gloves every customer. Lockdowns do nothing but cause misery, hunger and lose people and the government money.

Eve says...

The 5 min test for Covid 19 is made by abbott and is now in use in California and Tennessee.…

Eve says...

Purchase the new $20 dollar each testing unit that was just approved by the FDA. It takes 3 minutes.Test all health care workers, doctors, everyone who works in PMH. Test all the patients also. Test all your first responders. Test everyone who meets the public, supermarket workers, fast food workers, etc.

Eve says...

There needs to be a time for seniors to shop. According to the schedule it is 7 am to 11 am but when I went to the store yesterday there was a mob of young people. Same thing this morning. So we cannot get food and milk. Maybe Thursday would be a good time?

Eve says...

Just came back from Super Value. I went at 7 am as I am a disabled senior. Lineups on both sides, people crowding, jostling. Not safe to be there so I left. No food. I don't know who thought this up but it was not a medical professional. These lockdowns only harm people. They do not protect us from the virus.

Eve says...

To stop the virus you have to test. Test all hospital employees and clinic employees. Then the police force. Then everyone who works for the government. Than all supermarket employees. Otherwise this will keep smoldering.

Eve says...

Where can we get a mask or is super value handing them out?

On Shoppers must play by crisis rulebook

Posted 31 March 2020, 10:35 a.m. Suggest removal

Eve says...

Everyone who works in either hospital should be tested, then all the police. Then every person who interacts with the public.

Eve says...

There is nothing safer than home delivery. I can pay for the supplies online with no contact. When they arrive I can open my gate and stand 6 feet away while they are brought in. No contact. Heavy drinkers will have symptoms of alcohol withdrawal within days and can die in 4. Does the government want all those people flooding the hospital? As well the government is depriving people of earning a living and depriving themselves of VAT money.