Comment history

Eve says...

Do not do this. We do not have the supplies necessary for a month lock down. And there is no need. The 4 cases here have already been released from hospital. I hope you did test them to ensure they do not have the virus.

Eve says...

Great words from the PM but he is wrong. Guess what happens when the public runs out of those eco friendly bags they use as kitchen catchers. Yes, they have to buy plastic garbage bags which use 600 times the plastic, the energy and water. And we have to buy reusable bags which cost more plastic, more energy and more water. Then we have to wash them, more energy and water use. Who can possibly think this is saving the planet anything?

On Plastic ban - there's no going back

Posted 31 January 2020, 2:32 p.m. Suggest removal

Eve says...

Plastic bags do not clog up the landfill or pollute ground water.

Eve says...

Reusable bags use far more plastic, use more energy to make and cause more water pollution than those plastic bags we used to get our groceries bagged in. Plus we used those bags as garbage pail liners. Now we have to buy plastic garbage bags which are heavier, use more energy to make etc. And we have to wash our reusable bags. More water and energy use. The only savings to the environment was .000004 less plastic in the ocean from the Bahamas. That savings has been wiped out by having to buy reusable bags and buy garbage bags. Not to mention what this has done to the income of the bag boys at grocery stores. Nice job.