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ExposedU2C says...

P.S. If Ralph Munroe is truly a lawyer as he says he is, then every single member of The Bahamas Bar association should hang their head in utter disgrace and shame.

ExposedU2C says...

This most corrupt and incompetent SOB should be summarily dismissed if the remarks attributable to him in this news article are true.

Many Bahamians, including most of our parliamentarians, know full well that Bahamas Customs is not even assessing and collecting half of the customs duties that should be paid into the Public Treasury because of rampant corruption, fraud and gross incompetence.

The wealthiest living in our country have perfected the art of bribing and greasing high ranking Customs Department officials. And rather than clamp down on all of the ongoing criminal activity between certain high value/high volume importers and crooked customs officers, our very spendthrift minister of finance (Stumpy PM Davis) would rather have his goon squad at Inland Revenue send heavily armed officers to many struggling businesses to forcibly collect taxes and fees that are the subject of legitimate disputes. Talk about lunacy!

ExposedU2C says...

In other words, dumbo Pintard wants the FNM and PLP to exchange bogus listings of their donors with no verification of the authenticity of the names, dates and amounts shown on the lists.

Bloviating Pintard probably does not even know that the late Sir Jack Hayward and his late partner Edward St. George gave corrupt Poodling and certain other high ranking members of the initial (first) PLP government an 8% partnership stake in the GBPA for all sorts of political favours.

ExposedU2C says...

LOL. Most Bahamians naturally have as much, if not more, distrust of the FBI as the vast majority of Americans do today. After all, let's not forget for one moment that it took the FBI years to verify the authenticity of Hunter Biden's laptop, the so called "laptop from hell." I guess this means the FBI have indicated a willingness to take years to confirm the authenticity of the voice notes centred around the $1.5m airport bank car heist in November. And why did corrupt Stumpy Davis order Sweet Lips Fernander to give the original Scotland Yard investigators the boot?

On FBI joins police’s voice note probe

Posted 29 August 2024, 1:42 p.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

> Michael Johnson, the head of the Central Investigations Department, has taken garden leave as authorities investigate.

Exactly how much more gardening is this corrupt Davis led PLP government going to let this heinous man do at the taxpayers' expense?!!

On FBI joins police’s voice note probe

Posted 29 August 2024, 1:26 p.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

> In her remarks, US Charge d’Affaires Kimberly Furnish highlighted the importance of continuing the quest for equality.

Didn't she mean to say, as an American diplomat, ".....continuing the quest for *equal opportunity.*"

Only a card carrying member of the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) talks about continuing the quest for "*equality*". Or, is this US diplomat agitating on our soil for transgendered men to be allowed to compete against women in the sport of their choosing. LOL

ExposedU2C says...

LMAO......meanwhile this corrupt Davis led PLP government significantly increased those line items of the last budget considered to be most vulnerable to waste, fraud and outright theft, including the enormous increases in budget line items relating to the Office of The Prime Minister.

And let's not forget that corrupt PM Davis and his incompetent cabinet ministers regard the medical needs of Bahamians to be secondary to the PM's new luxury vehicle costing more than $200,000 and the plane that is being opulently "re-purposed for stumpy PM Davis at cost of millions of dollars. But why should stumpy PM Davis care about the medical needs of Bahamians when he prefers to fly to the US whenever he requires any kind of serious medical attention.

ExposedU2C says...

I hear the video and audio evidence in this case is almost as good as the video and audio evidence the police commissioner received of the incident where bird-brain JoBeth Davis used her vehicle to very deliberately attempt to run-over and maim or kill a young policeman.

ExposedU2C says...

Here we have slimy Fwreddy Boy reminding the Bahamian people that an official's misconduct must rise to the level of murder in order to warrant getting fired by the corrupt Davis led PLP government. Yup, the very condescending and sleazy Fwreddy Boy always lends new meaning to stupidity whenever he opens his mouth.

ExposedU2C says...

> Given this subsidy run rate, taxpayer exposure to the Grand Lucayan now likely exceeds $200m with much of this sum unlikely to be recovered via a sale.

This last sentence of the above article is materially incorrect. The $200m amount mentioned should read $300m. About $300m has quite literally been squandered on the Grand Lucayan property, through waste, fraud, and outright theft, since the run-down property was foolishly purchased by Tyrant Hubert Minnis from the Hutchison Whampoa Group. No one, save for corrupt PM Davis, has been better at flushing our nation's limited financial resources down the proverbial toilet. Anyone remember the very corrupt lawyer and "wannabe MD" Michael Scott whom Tyrant Minnis appointed to Chair the Hotel Corp. of The Bahamas while he was PM?

On Lucayan buyer’s $2bn plan eyes knock down

Posted 27 August 2024, 2:36 p.m. Suggest removal