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ExposedU2C says...

This most nasty and slimy idiot, better known as Fwreddy Boy, has done nothing all of his political life but prey upon the easily manipulated minds of the very poor but good people who dwell in the Fox Hill Community for their vote come election time, so that he can continue sucking on the public purse while wreaking havoc on our nation.

ExposedU2C says...

> Jomo Campbell revealed that the land unit is conducting an audit as his ministry moved to secure approximately 25 acres for qualified participants in the medical marijuana industry.

> The minister confirmed ongoing discussions with the Health Minister Dr Michael Darville, and AG Pinder. He said they plan to meet again soon to finalise the establishment of the regulatory authority for the cannabis industry.

Campbell, Darville and Pinder are each participating in the outright theft of land from the Bahamian people for an illegal and nefarious purpose that will greatly enrich only the select "chosen" few thugs while causing untold harm to many in our society.

Any one with an ounce of knowledge and common sense knows full well that so called "medical marijuana" is today safely produced in a medical lab and dispensed by order of a qualified medical doctor in liquid or aerated form (including nasal spray), in appropriate dosages for the ailment being treated.

ExposedU2C says...

You're either full of misinformation or shiit ...... but I very much suspect the latter.

ExposedU2C says...

No one who has been convicted of having brutally murdered their parents and siblings should ever be released from prison back into society no matter what the circumstances.

The public deserves to know who was authorized to sign, and who in fact did sign, each and every document that was required to allow this murderous monster to be set free to roam among us.

It sounds to me like our society needs to be protected from the stupidity of Doan Cleare and others who share his truly absurd views. Can we somehow have the threat of Doan Cleare and others like of him removed from our society?

ExposedU2C says...

Future adverse impacts of climate change on our nation's scarce natural resources pale in comparison to the current threats posed by environmentally harmful decisions made by the corrupt Davis led PLP government.

Numerous independent research studies done in recent years by teams of highly reputable hydrologists affiliated with globally renowned conservation and preservation organizations have all concluded The Bahamas already is in the midst of a most serious freshwater crisis that is being exacerbated by government's failure and/or refusal to acknowledge and properly address the underlying issues.

High ranking officials at Consolidated Water and the Bahamas Water & Sewerage Corporation have also repeatedly warned the government that many Bahamians may find themselves without an adequate supply of available and/or affordable freshwater before the end of this decade, if not sooner, due to underground pipe leakages and the escalating cost of producing freshwater by means of reverse-osmosis or other desalinization methods. The cost of barging water to the islands long ago became prohibitive.

Yup, it seems the corrupt and incompetent Davis led PLP government are quite willing to sit on their useless arses and watch us all die of thirst in the not too distant future.

On Fears over impact of $290m hospital

Posted 22 August 2024, 5:14 p.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

Simply unbelievable! The tone deaf and very wealthy Darville promotes an unlimited supply of vaccines for the poor, while announcing new state of the art medical facilities for the rich.

And to think corrupt Stumpy PM Davis and his fellow cabinet ministers still look you in the eye and say PLP party is for the people because it is "progressive."

Poor and struggling Bahamians get to live in the miserable and increasingly unaffordable social welfare state that has been created for them by the corrupt ruling political elite, while the ruling political elite and their wealthy friends and financial-backers get to enjoy a very different opulent life style.

On Lyford Cay hospital in expansion plan

Posted 22 August 2024, 10:38 a.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...


On Lyford Cay hospital in expansion plan

Posted 22 August 2024, 10:08 a.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

Thanks. Your support of her with your wasted mind helps to emphasize and reinforce my point.

On Hanna Martin inspects school repair progress

Posted 21 August 2024, 12:01 p.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

> THE Ministry of Health and Wellness said vaccines for monkeypox are available, following the ministry activating emergency protocols.....

As you well know Darville, your activation of such protocols enables government to illegally strip us of many of our fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. Your activation of emergency protocols also permits government to authorize certain un-budgeted expenditures that will undoubtedly greatly enrich a select few within the ruling political elite and their favoured cronies ('financial-backers') in the private sector..

> The ministry also has [and] retains antivirals and the M-pox vaccine for people seeking preventative treatment or who may be high risk.

Pray tell Darville, how many millions of dollars is government going to spend on protective gear, vaccines, etc. this time around by way of lucrative contracts with a select few favoured members of the ruling political elite and their cronies in the private sector?

> The vaccines are available at any public clinic and free of charge.

Nice to know Darville, but many of us have been jabbed enough already. By the way Darville, the taxpayers really deserve to know how much of their money has already been spent, and will be spent, on protective gear, anti-virals, vaccines, etc.? Can you give us even an honest rough estimate of the total cost of your actions here?

> The death rate associated with the disease is low, ranging between three to six per cent of persons infected.

Not so Darville. The CDC website dedicated to the Mpox outbreak showed earlier this week 33,000+ cases in the US since 2022 with only 60 deaths. That equates to a death rate of less than 2 per 1000 cases, less than 0.2%. Please stop with all of your deliberate scaremongering, Darville.

> The public is encouraged to adhere to safety protocols for M-pox which include: washing your hands properly and often with soap and water....

Of course, Darville, but it would help if the incompetent Davis led PLP government could get its act together and ensure that all Bahamians, especially those living on Family Islands, have access to a reliable supply of clean freshwater.

You're a major disappointment and embarrassment to many of us Darville, and I suspect few place much trust in anything you say or do as minister of health.

ExposedU2C says...
