Comment history

ExposedU2C says...

25 acres where? Bought from whom and at what cost?

Doofus and incompetent AG Pinder smells as bad as the skunk-like odour he wants to force the rest of us to endure.

ExposedU2C says...

Hard to believe slimy and deceitful Fwreddy Boy actually said *“We have been asked to provide the management talent"* for the Haiti mission when we, the Bahamian people, know full well that this Davis led PLP government has no management talent whatsoever.

And to think our national debt is being increased to fund this ridiculously costly undertaking that Fwreddy Boy personally engineered to feed his demented ego that drives him to put the lives of Bahamians at risk in a most dangerous and hostile foreign country that even the US government is unwilling to send its own American soldiers. Yup, Fwreddy Boy is one sick you know what!

ExposedU2C says...

Fwreddy Boy is a most deceitful piece of ............!!!!

ExposedU2C says...

fernander has yet to arrest this corrupt and incompetent bird brain for her very deliberate attempt to mame or kill a police officer using her vehicle. she should have long ago been locked-up.

now she represents the cabal of thieves led by snake and the very crooked tony ferguson whom, with the help of illegal government guarantees of profitability arranged by the corrupt davis led plp government, are being allowed to literally steal majority ownership and control of bpl's power grid for mere pennies on the dollar of true value.

and in the aftermath of this heist of national assets owned by bpl, bahamians and their businesses will soon find they can no longer afford electricity as a result of the rate hikes that will occur to feed the insatiable greed of the cabal of thieves led by snake and tony ferguson.

ExposedU2C says...

By the way, if you are indeed a Christian, I suggest you have a careful re-read of Chapter 21 of the Book of Exodus in an unadulterated King James Version of the Bible, especially Verses 12 & 15.

ExposedU2C says...

Spare us the christian values BS. After all, the squalid and most inhumane conditions for inmates in our prison system are not exactly a testament to our christian values. But this fact, as abhorrent as it is, should not somehow justify terrorizing our society by releasing those convicted of the most heinous crimes to freely walk among us.

And what makes you think we have the resources necessary to properly help and supervise such persons once released? We don't even have the resources needed to do something about the very unchristian-like and most inhumane conditions at the Fox Hill prison facility.

By the way, real chaos will ensue if we just do the christian thing and let all the inmates out to roam free among us no matter the degree of violence of the crimes they committed.

ExposedU2C says...

Dream on ........ the vast majority of Floridians still love and value the health benefits of their Clean Air Act and are even willing to have the pot head type of tourist spend their money elsewhere.

ExposedU2C says...

IDM in my first sentence should be IDB, i.e. Inter-American Development Bank.

ExposedU2C says...

> New Providence’s electricity grid is being transferred to the control of Bahamas Grid Company, an entity that will be 60 percent majority-owned by private investors.

This was an illegal transfer of majority ownership and control of public sector assets to a cabal of thieves led by Snake and Anthony Ferguson. This outrageous and criminal heist, if not undone, will result in the loss by the Bahamian people of many, many millions of dollars of value inherent in our nation's main utility enterprise that was intended to be organized as, and remain, a state-owned monopoly for national security and other vital reasons.

The corrupt Davis led PLP government violated numerous laws and regulations when it put in place new legislation that purports to facilitate and make the illegal transfer somehow 'legal'.

On Power outage after lightning storm

Posted 22 August 2024, 7:54 p.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

Yet more sucking on the lending teat (tit) of the IDM !!

What, if anything, did the opposition in government know about these expenditures and other related plans before they were announce at the public forum by the ministry of health?

Were all of this expenditures included in the current year's approved budget?

Did all of these contracts go through a transparent procurement/bidding process?

These initial expenditures all come with ongoing maintenance needs and, as we all know, government departments and agencies are notoriously incapable of maintaining anything, especially medical equipment and ambulances, not to mention buildings generally.